𝘼𝙡𝙡 𝙏𝙝𝙞𝙨 𝙏𝙞𝙢𝙚《𝙆𝙪𝙧𝙩 𝘾𝙤𝙗𝙖𝙞𝙣》

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The Seattle rain came down hard, drenching everyone, and everything that got caught underneath it's wet wrath. But as the Earth got soaked, and people scurried to the nearest shelter, you were completely lost in the sound of guitar notes, and a lovely voice.

You had recently just gotten back to Seattle after flying out to New York City, to be with this certain guy, who ended up dumping you a week after your arrival. It stung like a bitch that he decided to do that because you were infatuated with him, and were planning to try and establish a new life in a new city.

Clearly it never went through, and you had no other choice but to pack up all your stuff, and fly back out to your hometown. You knew you should've listened to one of your bestfriends, Kurt, when he said the guy was a "toxic dick".  But you didn't, and that's why you were in the situation you were in now, unhappy, and miserable about your decisions.

The only thing you could be thankful for was having a caring friend like Kurt, who was letting you stay with him at his place, since you had sold your apartment to go to New York in the first place. All you could think about was how dumb, and naive you were for believing that your ex boyfriend meant everything he said. It was a natural feeling though, but you just wanted it to end already.

A cold autumn chill rattled you out of your mind, and made you focus back on the blonde man next to you, singing you your favourite song by The Pixies, in hopes to cheer you up. You and Kurt were sat outside on his front porch, protected from the rain, both of you loving to indulge in rainstorms together. The sound of the rain droplets hitting everything around the porch, intertwined with Kurt's vocals, and guitar playing sent a soothing wave over your very being.

You were wrapped in one of his favourite cardigans, a cigarette in between your fingers, as you watched his fingers strum the chords of his acoustic guitar next to you. Kurt looked so perfect, even with the stubble covering his face, and his slightly greasy blonde hair. You couldn't help but admire the fact that he never felt the need to look presentable, despite his stardom with his band.

Afterall, most people changed once they became famous, tending to change their true appearance, and dress themselves in all these expensive materials. Kurt wasn't like that one bit, and stayed true to himself, which made you adore him even more.

He soon concluded his little performance, being greeted with your playful clapping, and smile, as he sat his guitar down by the porch swing you were both sitting on. Kurt fought back a grin at the sight of you smiling, and stole your cigarette from between your fingers before placing it in between his lips.

The blonde looked over at you, taking in your unique features, and pretty eyes, wondering why someone as gorgeous, and perfect like you ended up with douchbags on a consistent basis. It was always obvious that you were too good for them all, your kind heart, fun personality, and pure beauty was just too superior compared to their cruel ways.

He sometimes thought about expressing his true feelings he had for you, but always recoiled from that idea when he thought of potentially screwing up the good thing you both had going on. Not to mention, he was scared that someday he might accidentally hurt you just like all the others, even though that would've been rare since he loved you too much to break your heart in the first place.

"Why do you always go for the douchbags?" Kurt asked, his question a bit off-topic, but still managing to make you question that yourself. You didn't know if it was because you were so desparate for love and affection, or if it was because you just got so accustomed to it that it didn't seem to strike a nerve with you right away.

"Desparation, and loneliness. But most of all, I think I've just gotten used to the bullshit" You replied nonchalantly, watching Kurt shake his head, and gently take the cigarette from between your fingers, needing a long drag from the cigarette. He didn't think it was right for you to become used to any form of mistreatment, or think any of it was normal.

"Well, you shouldn't be used to it, Y/n. You're too fucking good for those pieces of shit, and I wish you would wake up and realize that" Kurt stated firmly, only wanting the best for you, and only wanting you experience happiness instead of heartache caused by guys who weren't worth it. All you could do was nod, and rest your head on his shoulder, knowing that he was right.

Kurt always seemed to be right, and you regretted every time you didn't listen to him because those were the times you ended up hurt instead of happy. But while you thought about that, Kurt thought about telling you his feelings for you, in hopes that you might give him the chance he had been wanting since he met you.

Sure, it was cliche, and probably the plot line of many cheesy romance movies, but he didn't care. He didn't care that his heart was pounding like a school boy, and he didn't care that he wasn't able to take his eyes off you.

"But I also wish you'd wake up and realize that the right guy has been in front of you this whole time" Kurt admitted, putting the cigarette out, and watching how your head perked up in confusion, not knowing if he was getting at himself, or someone else.

"And who might that be?" You asked, causing Kurt to playfully roll his eyes at your cluelessness. He must have done a good job at keeping his true feelings stashed away inside him, especially when you obviously never caught onto his words or actions in the past.

"You're really that oblivious huh? The right guy is me, Y/n" Kurt informed, causing your mouth to slightly open in shock, not expecting your bestfriend to have taken a interest in you, especially when he could have any girl at this point of his fame.

"Look, I know it might seem really fucking stupid, but I've been in love with you for awhile. And everytime I wanted to tell you what I felt, you were always in a new relationship with some dick" Kurt added, feeling like some lovesick idiot as he revealed his love for you; he was never one that liked cliche scenarios.

You felt slightly frozen, tugging on your bottom lip with your index finger and thumb as you let Kurt's confession sink in. Maybe he was the guy you should've been with in the first place, considering he had never broken your heart, or caused your rivers of tears. Not to mention, you might've felt happier wrapped up in the arms of your bestfriend instead of some scum that you met in a sleazy bar.

"I don't fucking care if you feel the same ot not, I just had to get that off my ches-" Kurt's sentence was cut off by you cupping his cheek, and connecting your lips with his slightly chapped ones. You felt your stomach flutter with butterflies, while your heart started to skip beats as Kurt kissed you back softly, and slowly, not wanting to dive completely into a lust-filled kiss yet.

Your other hand soon came up and cupped his left cheek, so you could kiss him a bit more rougher, and passionate. Kurt's hands rested on your waist, both of your minds lost in the overwhelming feeling of pleasure, and happiness that was caused by the kiss. It lasted a few minutes until you pulled away for some air, a smile decorating your lips at the fact that you just kissed your bestfriend, who was in love with you.

"After all this time, I should've been with you, Kurt" You realized, watching him just grin, and tuck a strand of your hand behind your ear instead.

"Tell me about it"

~Not Edited

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