𝙔𝙤𝙪 𝙇𝙤𝙫𝙚 𝙈𝙚?《𝙑𝙞𝙣𝙘𝙚 𝙉𝙚𝙞𝙡》

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Tw: smutty undertones?

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Tw: smutty undertones?


The summer heat was unbearable to some, but not to you, and that's why you layed out on a lounge chair by the hotel pool. The hotel that you were staying at with your chaotic bestfriends, Tommy and Nikki, since they were on a tour. You were surprised that they wanted you to tag along with them, especially since you weren't into heavy drugs or booze like they were.

"Aren't you gonna come in?" Tommy asked you, floating around in the cold pool water, and flipping his wet hair back to see you better.

"Nah, I think I'll pass" you laughed, knowing that once you hopped into the water, Tommy and Nikki would splash, and irritate you to the point where you snapped on them.

Tommy playfully flipped you off, and you returned the gesture with your free hand, since the other was holding a rocket popsicle. A rocket popsicle that you had been sucking on, which drew the attention of the bleach blonde, Vince.

Vince's crush on you was not discreet by any means, since he always made sure to say his dirty remarks loud and proud to you, which irritated Nikki, Tommy, and Mick. You had gotten to know the sleazy blonde a little bit more on the tour though, and you would be lying if you said you didn't find yourself attracted to him either.

You didn't act on your feelings though, because you had seen the majority of the groupies that Vince used for one night, before leaving them a heartbroken mess, and you didn't want to be one of those girls. So you just kept quiet about the entire thing, but your blushing, and smiling at Vince's comments were starting to give it away.

"You sure know how to work a popsicle, hot stuff" Vince commented, from a few lounge chairs away from you, his eyes locked on your tongue swirling around that popsicle.

"Yeah, and you know how to work my nerves" you retorted, earning some laughs from the others.

"Well, that's not the only thing I'd like to work on you" Vince smirked, taking his shades off to get a better look at your now blushing state.

"Shut the fuck up, man!" Nikki said firmly, making Vince chuckle, but his eyes stayed on your frame, which was only covered by a revealing, one-piece bathing suit.

"Yeah, real classy, Vince" Mick added in an unamused tone.

Vince ignored them though. His gaze was becoming more intense than you were expecting it to be, and you felt butterflies erupt in your stomach, before you decided to throw the popsicle out, and head back into the air conditioned hotel. You just had to go back in, because you knew you would end up saying something that would expose yourself, and you did not want that.

You ended up finally retreating to your own room, and layed back onto the comfortable bed, skimming through random thoughts, until a familiar voice spoke up

"Was my gaze getting you wet?" Vince's cocky tone, made you sit up in confusion, and shock on why he was in your room.

"What the fuck do you want, Vince?" You asked sharply, as he walked over to stand in between your thighs, his eyes scanning over your face that looked up at him.

"You, of course" he grabbed your chin, and leaned down to place a sloppy kiss to your mouth. The gesture took you back, and you quickly shoved him away. Even though you didn't want to, you knew if you let him go any further you'd be just like those groupies.

"Nice try, player" you chuckled, and stood up to walk past him, but he grabbed your wrist, and spun you around to face him.

"Cut the fucking bullshit, Y/n. I've seen the way you look at me, I've seen the way you blush, and bite your lip whenever I'm around. I know you want me just as much as I want you, so quit this little fucking game" Vince called you out, which made you go wide-eyed and speechless, because he was right.

"Cat got your tongue, hotstuff?" Vince raised an eyebrow, a stupid grin crossing his mouth. You didn't know what to say, and you didn't even know what to do, before feeling his hand cup your cheek, and rub the pad of his thumb across your cheekbone.

Your heart was in your stomach at this point, and your cheeks were flushed, your pupils were dilated too, especially since you were face to face with your secret crush.

"Fine, you got me. I really do like you, but I refuse to have a relationship with someone that bangs anything with a pulse" you stated firmly, earning a chuckle from Vince.

"I'm serious,so I suggest you give up the groupies if you want something serious with me, rockstar"

Vince paused for a moment, obviously thinking over the ultimatum you were giving him. It was hard for Vince to choose, but because he really loved you, and felt something more with you than any of those groupies, he was going to try and give them up.

"Okay fine, I'll give up other women. Your lucky I love you, babe" Vince picked you up, your legs wrapping around his waist, as he layed you down onto the bed.

"You love me?" You questioned, not knowing if he was just saying that to be a clown, or if he was being serious.

"Of course I do, I mean you're one of the coolest, most badass chicks I've ever met" Vince laughed, prying your legs open, and laying in between them, gazing into your eyes.

Everything had happened so fast, but you were finally satisfied, since you and Vince were actually going to be something. Something that you both had wanted for so long

"Well, I suppose I love you too, Neil" you smirked, before Vince began to kiss your plump lips softly.

~Not Edited

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