Chapter 1

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Traveling at many times more than the speed of light, a single large cargo freighter exporting valuable goods was on route to it's destination being a neighboring system close to the one it originated from.

An average aged man was at the helm on the bridge as he watched the many beams of blue light zip past his ship as he closed in on his destination.

"Zulu Bravo One Four dash Three this is Ginza Space Control, you are on approach for Ginza Station, confirm?" The comms went off with in the ship as the man opened his end of the hail to respond. "Confirm Ginza, on approach for Ginza Station. Transmitting authentication codes now."

"Understood Zulu received and accepted. Head for gate D4 once you exit out of warp."

"Understood control. Zulu Bravo out."

The massive freighter lurched forward rapidly as it came out of it's warp jump and the sight of Ginza II filled the cockpit view, along with the blue giant gas planet that was Ginza.

Ginza II used to be a moon orbiting the larger gas giant with no life and being just a giant rock. However after several years of terraforming, it became full of life and vegetation. Colonies were constructed which then turned into full sized mega cities that spanned across the now habitable land. Floating out side of the large moon's gravity was the massive Ginza Station that was connected to the surface via a space elevator.

Around the planet was various ships of the Planetary Defense Force that protected the colonized moon from threats such as Pirates, or the Aakud Imperium, a hostile alien civilization that was in competition and at war with humanity and various other smaller weaker alien civilizations. However they weren't considered as much as a threat as they were when first encountered as humanity's Interstellar Navy was able to easily push them back and over power their fleets.

The war was expected to now be coming to an end within a few months as their home system was now under siege.

The ships guarding the planets involved several frigates, destroyers, battleships, and a single massive dreadnought. Backing them up were several smaller stations that were armed to the teeth with various weapon systems, and a massive capital ship destroying mega cannon built into each.

Connected to the main station was a massive ringed shaped structure with a wormlike like effect emitting from within. It one of the many Interstellar Gates that connected systems from Lucy long distances together, making trips that could take weeks or days via warp jump take only a single second at sub light speeds.

Various civilian ships were exiting and entering the through the gate on opposite ends of the massive portal like object, leading to which ever distant system it was linked to. A true scientific and architectural achievement in human history.

The pilot used the console and trotted sticks to guide the massive freighter into the designated gate as gate D4's main doors began opening, welcoming the space craft inside as it passed through an atmospheric barrier keeping the entire inside gate protected from the vacuum of space.

The freighter's landing legs deployed out as the thrusters kept it in a stable hovering position above the landing pad and settled it down on the metal surface. The legs buckling and stabilizing under the weight of the craft.

The pilot unstrapped himself from his seat and got up out of the cockpit and climbed down a set of ladders into the cargo bay where his delivery was in good condition.

Hitting a side button, the large doors hissed before slowly opening and exposing the inside to the station's interior atmosphere.

"Zulu Bravo One Four Three I assume?" A man with a cybernetic eye was standing out side the ship with a few workers beside him.

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