13: Duo

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Jeongguk was sitting around minding his own business in his room. His dagger twirling around in his fingers. Mind preoccupied by the thought of a certain brunette with a boxy smile.

Taehyung had went out for a solo mission today leaving the raven alone with no one to train with. He was missing the elder.

Jeongguk wondered when he'd be capable enough to go on solo missions himself. He was climbing up the ranks slowly. He was now a novice instead of a newbie, slowly making his way to the top.

Jeongguk now only had one goal in his immortal life as a grim. To reach the top. He's always been one to look down from the peak.The peak where no one could touch him. That was where he wanted to be now too.

At the summit.

Where no one could reach him. All except one. The one who already was residing in the summit Jeongguk so badly wants to grasp a hold on.

Kim Taehyung.

But in order to do that, the raven needed to go on more missions. But since he was still a novice, the option to pick out his own missions haven't been unlocked yet.

So he sighed and lazed around till Namjoon or the office deeem him worthy of a new mission.

But the raven seemed to have underestimated himself or his outstanding capabilities. Probably because his teammates were all reapers of the finest quality that he somehow fell short on his own expectations.

Nonetheless he still underestimated his worth because his door was being knocked minutes later and Yoongi's face came to view once he opened the door.

"Hey hyung. What's going on?" The raven asked confused. He started calling everyone in his team "hyung" after Taehyung gave him a death glare for not respecting his elders. Now it was just habit.

An angry Taehyung was scary. Even for a mafia boss.

Yoongi sported a lazy grin at the question. "Get suited boy. You and I are going on a mission"


"Why are we suddenly going to busan?" The raven asked as him and Yoongi were in a jeep, clad in all-black suits.

"The busan division is suddenly in a tight spot because of multiple spirit sightings. So much so that they needed the Seoul division's help." Jeongguk furrowed his eyebrows at the statement.

"Are they high level spirits?" He asked suspicious. "The report says there's been multiple level threes going around causing a rampage. Some level fours and fives are around too" Yoongi explained as he drove through the highway.

Jeongguk was frowning at this point. The situation didn't seem to sit right. Something was wrong. "Suspicious isn't it?" Jeongguk hummed along agreeing with Yoongi's statement.

"There's never been this much movement from spirits before. Something is going on. What disturbs me is that there are more level fives than I'd like" the pale man grumbled.

"I guess I understand. Those shits are hard to deal with" the raven mumbled as he remembered his niece. "It's not just that what irks me" Jeongguk frowned "is there something I don't know hyung?"

"Hmm. The spirits have a disturbing ability. A level one or two are just spirits barely surviving. They have no power nor intelligence. But when they turn level three is where the trouble starts. The spirit starts to communicate with the host and starts corrupting them. Some even consume souls of the victims" Yoongi explained.

"I thought all spirits consume souls?" The pale man shook his head. "Not all. Some do some don't. Evil spirits can survive off of negative energy. Like your niece that day. She didn't consume any souls. Otherwise we'd have to guide the souls to afterlife" Jeongguk oh'ed in understanding.

"I see. So what happens when a spirit turns into level four?" Jeongguk was growing more and more curious. "They start to talk in two different voices and they become one with the host, making them almost invisible to the radar"

"Ah. So that's why we don't see a level four often. They either get killed when they're level three or get noticed when they turn level five" Jeongguk answered as if he solved a hard math equation.

Yoongi grinned proud. "That's correct. And the level fives are the most disturbing. They have low intelligence but can communicate with each other. We can't understand them most of the time but level fives rarely walk alone. They usually move in a small group."

"My, that would be so hard to deal with" the raven whispered to himself. But Yoongi heard him because he hummed.

"I've never seen a level six myself so I don't know for sure but I've heard from Namjoon that they can control the spirits below their level. And they have good intelligence" Jeongguk gasped at the information.

"Okay now that's a new level of creepy " he sassed. Yoongi let out a chuckle at his behavior. "No one's ever seen a level seven so I assume you don't know how they act?" The raven stated rather asked.

"Yeah. But I may have heard Taehyung say once that those spirits fully take over the host and can actually talk. They would be the leaders of all the spirits if that were the case I think" Yoongi retorted, their destination coming closer to view.

"How did Tae- you know what I'm not even gonna ask" Jeongguk sighed defeated. There were still so many things he didn't know about the elder.

Yoongi chuckled as he pulled over. "We're here Jeon. Get off" the two got out of the vehicle and walked into the premise of the RA building. It had Busan division plastered up front.

"Let's see where the reception is" Yoongi mumbled as he opened the door but the two stayed frozen in place when they saw the chaos inside.

People were running around everywhere. Files upon files just flying across the room. Reapers running in and out like bees. It was a disaster.

The two looked at each other one last time before they walked in. Yoongi took the lead and guided Jeongguk through the maze-like building to the reception desk.

"How may I help you?" The already stressed reception said exasperated.

"We're here for a mission. A level five on one of the farm lands?" Yoongi inquired. The receptionist's eyes flew open in realization "ah! You're from Seoul! This is your file gentlemen. Thank you for your help" the male said and bowed at them. The two bowed back and took the file before leaving the hectic place quickly.

"Now that was something else" Jeongguk commented once they were outside. "Tell me about it" Yoongi groaned out in agreement.


Evil is here,
In the dark eyes.
As the sun sets,
And the moon rise.
Evil lurks in your head,
And saunter outside.
Ready to devour whatever comes by.

- Marsalien

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