22: weapon

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Taehyung was freshly back from heaven when it first happened.

His wounds were still new to him and he was a very grumpy and edgy person all the time. He wasn't afraid to go really mean if someone pissed him off, which was honestly pretty easy to do.

He was climbing up the ladder at that time, much like Jeongguk. And also as Jeongguk, Taehyung also had duel requests made to him daily.

One guy was especially keen on getting under his skin. And he took it to the next level.

Safe to say he never lived to tell the tale.

No Taehyung didn't kill him. Here's what really happened. Taehyung was challanged to a duel by a guy named Hanaka Sukimura.

This dude was so obnoxious and presistant that Taehyung had to accept his duel request. They went to the rip platform which had a huge crowd as well.

The fight started and it was well underway. Hanaka (a beautiful name btw) was losing badly. And his way of getting back in control was to make the brunette angry. Which was pretty easy at the time.

All he had to do was poke fun of Taehyung's mother and the bomb set off.

Taehyung lost control for the first time.

And then, in front of the whole academy he proceeded to destroy everything that was of Hanaka. It went pretty gory. Because Taehyung crushed his skull and broke his bones so badly that some of them were sticking out, some protruding his skin.

It was a horrifing sight that left the spectators scarred forever. Some to this day are terrified of him. And as rumors went by Taehyung became a menace even if he didn't do anything after the incident.

He swore he'd never lose control again, yet here he was now standing in front of an army of evil spirits kneeled towards him, having no power over his own body.

Or did he?

"Namjoon hyung, I need you take everyone and leave. Only those who are still in good condition can stay" Taehyung requested the other, his mind very much calm.

Namjoon being the leader he was knew what the latter said was right. Many of them had already reached their limits and are unable to fight. The healers are tired as well.

But that didn't mean he could just let Taehyung do this with so few people. As if reading his mind, Taehyung turned around and smiled at him in reassurance and said, "I've asked for backup. They're on their way. We just have to hold on until then". However, the crazy bloodthirst in his eyes differed starkly with that sweet smile.

Hesitantly Namjoon nodded seeing as saying no wasn't an option. The rest followed after Namjoon, dragging their tired and aching bodies along.

"I'm not leaving" Jeongguk said stubbornly. "Baby, your shoulder is dislocated. Please don't push yourself anymore" Taehyung tried to persuade. But the other smiled and popped the bone back to its socket without flinching or breaking eye contact. It was almost creepy.

"This is nothing" he said as he rolled his shoulder. Suddenly Seokjin put a hand on Jeongguk's now relocated shoulder. The raven turning to him.

Jin's eyes glowed orange before his legs gave out. Namjoon immediately caught him. His body slumped over the other.

They realized Jin used the last of his energy to heal Jeongguk's minor wound. Now the mafia boss was functioning in full capacity.

They thanked him but he brushed it off. "Go kick some motherfucking ass!" He exclaimed tiredly before Namjoon dragged him away.

Now all that was left was Hoseok and a few others. "Alright guys, go all out. Don't mind if you break a few of their bones. The big boss hasn't appeared yet." Taehyung shouted mercilessly. Cheers came his way as the others had more breathing space to this fight.

He looked at Jeongguk and asked silently if he was ready. Once he received a firm nod he let the spirits go free from his mind prison. The minute he did they all came rushing towards them.

Taehyung pulled out his glocks and started shooting like a maniac. His insane giggles filling the area. Jeongguk was laughing as well.

"Well aren't you having fun" a new voice said and immediately everything stopped. All eyes turned to the voice that seemed like a man and a woman were talking at the same time.

Taehyung grinned wickedly, something about it was a little familiar. "So you finally decided to show up big boss?" He mocked.

Jeongguk muttered a "you gotta be kidding me" under his breath but Taehyung heard him. When he turned to him he saw his boyfriend was burning in anger and hatred. This made him confused, but not for long.

"What the fuck Junghyun?!" He screamed looking at his brother. Taehyung's eyes widened when he turned to see the familiar pair of eyes sinisterly looking at them.

"That's not Junghyun baby. He only has half his soul and the other half is a demon. He's been completely taken in control" the other informed as he stared at the being is infront of him.

"My name isn't Junghyun" the level seven grinned sickeningly. "What is your name demon?" Taehyung asked confused.

If possible his sinister grin grew. "Han Minjun". And Taehyung froze. He literally stopped functioning for a good minute.

And then his eyes looked like lava burst. The atmosphere had gone tense and a thick blackness of tension enveloped Taehyung.

Because in front of him was his tormentor. The man of his worst nightmares and responsible for why he was so miserable.

The minister had been reincarnated as a demon.


You can't escape me,
I'm the dawn of the dead.
No matter where you run,
I will be coming for your head.
And as the sun sets and demons break loose,
Watch where you go cuz I'll be coming for you.

- Marsalien

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