15: Problem

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Jeongguk was quiet as they were walking back to the jeep. They had parked a bit away from the farm so they don't alert the spirit lurking around.

Yoongi kept silent too. Mainly because he wasn't the type to talk much anyway.

They walked side by side as the farm grew farther. Police sirens could be heard from a distance. They sure did come fast.

But they couldn't reach the jeep. Jeongguk stopped walking suddenly and so did Yoongi. Both straining their ears to catch subtle movements.

"You hear that?" Yoongi asked looking at the raven, Jeongguk's face serious and concentrated. He nodded at the other.

They slowly walked towards the sound. It was like footsteps of a group. But it wasn't just any group. A large amount of negative energy was flowing from one corner. It was coming off in waves.

The energy was quite violent and heavy. The air almost suffocating as they advanced forward.

They hid behind a tree as they spied up front. "What the fuck" Yoongi whispered to himself in shock.

"How is that even possible? Aren't those all level three?" Jeongguk asked equally as shocked.

There in front of them stood tens and even more of evil spirits all jumbled up in the same space. It almost seemed like they were discussing something.

The whole situation was very odd.

"No. Those aren't level threes. They are fives. All of them. I can feel it" Yoongi whispered. His eyes had something unreadable in them. Something that somewhat resembled fear.

"We can't take down so many. Let's get the hell outta here" the raven whisper-shouted. The entire team glory had a hard time taking down one level five. There is no way the two of them could take down twenty of them.

"You're right. We gotta report this to Namjoon" Yoongi agreed. They turned around to leave but luck just wasn't on their side.

Because all of the evil spirits turned to them simultaneously. All of them looking directly at them.

"How the actual fuck do they see us?!" Yoongi tried to humor himself so he would feel less nervous. Because let's face it, they're screwed.

"How are we gonna get out of this hyung?" Jeongguk for the first time was unsure on what to do. Because even if he wasn't mortal anymore didn't mean he couldn't be possessed. And if an evil spirit ever possessed him it would be damn near impossible to return back to normal.

"We gotta fight with all we got Jeon. Let's do this" Yoongi deadpanned, his voice determined.

Jeongguk got in a focused stance as well. If he was going to have to fight for his sanity then you best believe he would wage war.

All of the evil spirits suddenly rushed towards them simultaneously. Jeongguk and Yoongi getting ready to use their soul weapons.

Last thing Jeongguk saw before the level fives blocked his vision was that a lone spirit stood in a distance, looking at them with a straight gaze. And it was.... smirking?

Yoongi was swinging his twin swords wherever he could. Blindly flinging them wherever his arms could reach. Jeongguk on the other hand, was throwing his daggers and pulling them back with his telekinesis and switching then to guns so he could shoot close range.

It was utter chaos. But they highly doubted the police a few blocks away could hear anything much less see it.

The fight was becoming more brutal and the boys were becoming tired. The spirits just won't go away.

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