16: Rage

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"I SAID GET THE FUCK OUT OF THIS ROOM" Taehyung screamed at the top of his lungs. He looked so furious that he could bust a nerve any second.

The man just stood his ground. He wasn't someone Jeongguk had seen before. He looked new.

"Oh come on now darling, that's not how you treat your betrothed" the man singsong'ed with the most annoying grin anyone has ever seen. Jeongguk was both surprised and pissed.

Taehyung chuckled. The melody that usually sounded so sweet to Jeongguk's ears was now so dark that it sent shivers. He saw how the man's cocky smirk faltered too.

"Again with the self proclaimed betrothed bullshit. Here's the thing you thick skulled swine, I was never your betrothed. And even if I was, that so-called "relationship" died along with me and has been dead for a thousand years" Taehyung spat. His eyes glowing blue from rage.

Jeongguk had to hold back a snicker at the man's dumbfounded face. Taehyung's insults are so amusing.

Oh who was he kidding. He laughed out loud in front of everyone.

All eyes snapped to the raven. The unknown man glaring daggers at him. But did Jeongguk care? Not in the slightest.

Taehyung let out a genuine smile seeing Jeongguk's amused face. "Ggukie! Come here and give me a hug. This sorry excuse of a cyclops is giving me a headache" Taehyung whined and made grabby hands at the other.

Jeongguk was surprised at the request since Taehyung never does this. But he understood why he was doing this. He wanted to show off to the other.

So the raven just smirked as he walked over to the other and engulfed him in him arms. Taehyung was practically covered by Jeongguk, hidden away behind his huge frame.

Taehyung snuggled into his chest and inhaled deeply. His actions continuously surprising the latter. "I linked Namjoon and he told me what happened. Are you hurt?" Taehyung mumbled against him, his voice laced in worry.

Jeongguk felt himself smile. "I'm fine gorgeous. Thank you for your concern" he whispered and pecked Taehyung's hair sweetly. He felt the latter tightening his hold on him.

"Alright Mingyuk. Get out of this unit. You are here temporarily so don't think about coming in here or any other unit. That's an order" Namjoon said with his stern tone. Disobeying was not an option.

He heard some grumbling and shuffling before Mingyuk was out of sight. "Why is he here" Taehyung's deep voice resonated as he pulled away slowly, almost reluctantly, away from Jeongguk.

"The Gwangju department requested a temporary stay for a mission" he shortly answered. "I want him away. If he's around me again Namjoon, I can't promise what happened that day won't happen again." Taehyung warned. His eyes dark and words final.

The room went silent for a good minute after Namjoon nodded almost immediately to the statement.

Taehyung then slowly calmed down and looked to Yoongi to see if he was alright. After that he turned to Jeongguk. "And you-' he paused and pointed at the raven. Jeongguk just stared back.

"You're my boyfriend" Taehyung didn't ask nor demand. He straight-up declared it. Jeongguk couldn't help but smirk. "where's my kiss then?" He retorted back.

Taehyung giggled and flicked his chin adoringly before pecking his lips. The rest just looked at the scene in awe.


"Why were we sent to investigate together?" Jeongguk grumbled. He wanted to be with his boyfriend right now but no, they just had to send him to investigate the evil spirit groups with Hoseok.

"Jimin is with Seokjin hyung and Yoongi hyung is with Namjoon. That leaves us because Taehyung is going solo. Plus we don't need you two flirting during a mission" Hoseok deadpanned. Jeongguk just sighed defeated. He was resisting a whine threatening to leave his throat. He just wanted to be with his Taebear.

"Whatever. Let's just go to the damn warehouse" the raven grumbled again. The two walking slowly. They had gotten a report of multiple spirit sightings in the area. So the RA sent them to investigate.

They stalked through the back and lowered themselves. Eyes scanning in the darkness.

"I didn't know Taehyung had a fiancé before" the raven suddenly blurted. Hoseok paused for a good minute before answering. "We didn't know either. He doesn't like talking about his past. Even Jimin barely knows anything" he replied.

Jeongguk hummed knowing that it was true. Taehyung was very secretive. But he didn't want to make the other feel like he had to tell him everything when he didn't want to.

Jeongguk wanted to give Taehyung time. He knew some things could be hard to talk about. He never felt anything before for it to impact him in such a way but that didn't mean he wasn't even going to try to understand.

A relationship was a two-way street and he really would rather die and go back to hell all over again than let Taehyung go. He really liked the brunette.

"I know he doesn't talk about himself at all. But what's this about him having done something bad? I've noticed that people are scared shitless of him. What did he do exactly?" The raven asked curiously. Hoseok cleared his throat awkwardly.

The two hauling themselves up to the second floor of the abandoned warehouse so they could survey everything without being noticed.

"I don't know the full details but let's just say when Taehyung gets mad, like really really mad, he's gets super fucking scary. You do not mess with an angry Taehyung" Hoseok's voice was laced with a tinge of fear. Even if his words were light, there wasn't an ounce of humor in them.

His statement only made Jeongguk more curious. But that'd have to wait. Because they just saw an army of evil spirits just loitering around the warehouse. It almost looked like they were in a meeting.

"How the hell are these things talking? Aren't they supposed to have low intelligence?" The raven was frustrated at this point. Nothing made sense. All that he had learned from the academy was turning out to be a sham.

"They do. Level fives aren't supposed to be communicating like this. Something's wrong. By the looks of it, I'm quite sure something is either commanding them or controlling them" Hoseok explained, his eyes never once leaving the creatures in the dark.

"If that's so then I guess that would explain all this but, there's something bothering me, everytime we sneak on a spirit it's like they suddenly just know where we are and spot us quickly. And it's not just like they spot us while looking around or anything. They would literally be looking at the opposite direction and then suddenly snap their heads towards us" Jeongguk rambled on about the previous encounters he had with Yoongi.

"Like now?" Hoseok asked unsure. Jeongguk who was rambling on while looking at the older turned to see what he meant.

He gulped when he saw all of the spirits looking directly at them.



The venom in his voice,
The despise in his eyes,
They scathe you like acid.
The blisters that show,

The tears that flow,
They know your fate is tragic.

is words bite,
His thoughts ignite,
The flames of your remains shine ever so bright.
Yet you cannot escape this kryptonite,
This trance is like black magic.

- Marsalien

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