Chapter I

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"Where the hell am I?" I mumble opening my heavy eyelids. I pulled the warm comforter off my stif body and stood up, stumbling and almost falling. I looked around and spotted my short black cocktail dress on the floor across the room. "What the hell did I do?" I pulled on a shirt I found in one of the drawers.

I pulled open the door and immediately my mouth started watering. I slowly stepped out and pulled the door shut behind me. "Hey, sleepyhead," a familiar voice said from the kitchen. I stopped in my tracks and listened to the voice and glanced at the pictures on the wall. I was in most of the pictures with my best friend, Lucas. I was at his house, that made since.

"Lucas? How did I get here?" I questioned stepping into the kitchen, where I saw Luke slaving away on some bacon and eggs and sausage already on a plate.

"You called me last night saying something about your dick of a boyfriend, and how he had hit you, and how you had broken up with him. You were pretty drunk when I found you walking the wrong way to either of our houses," he explained pulling the bacon out of the pan and onto the plate.

"No wonder I have a pounding headache. I feeling like it could explode any minute." I said more to myseld than him. He placed a hand over his mouth to muffle his laughter. "What are you laughing at?" He gave up on trying to keep it quiet and busted out laughing. He's laugh was a sweet but rare thing. I walked over to him and grabbed a piece of bacon and got a glass of water befoee walking to the bathroom and getting some Aleve.

Author's Note
Hey guys. I'm not really aure of where to take rhis story. If you could maybe guve me some ideas or some feedback of some kind that would be great.

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