Chapter 14

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It is pitch black all around me, I couldn't even see my hand right in front of my face. "Where am I?" It echoed off the walls that I couldn't see. "Hello? Is anyone here?" I questioned hoping for a response.
"Dillion, Dillion," a voice said from behind me. I heard footsteps coming toward me and then they stopped.
"Who's there?" I said whipping around so fast I'm suprised I didn't get whiplash.
"I suprised you didn't reconise my voice," they said walking away again.
"What do you want with me?" I asked with tears gathering in my eyes.
"I told you you had to talk to me or I was going to hurt people you loved." Michael.
"W-what do y-you mean?"
A light flipped on and there Luke was tied up, laying on the ground unconscious. "No!" I scream trying to run over to him, but my feet where glued to the floor and I couldn't move an inch. "No, Michael, please don't hurt him. I'll do anything just don't hurt him," I said, tears running down my face now.
He clicked his tongue walking over to Luke. "It's to late for that now Dillion," he said pulling his foot back and kicking Luke in the stomach with so much force it moved his lifeless body a couple feet. "No!" I scream fighting against the restraint on my feet. He continued to kick Luke until I had lost my voice and could no longer talk.
"Is this what you wanted Dillion?" he asked venom in every single word slipping past his lips. "Dillion, Dillion?"
*End of dream*
"Dillion, Dillion?" Luke said shaking me awake. When he saw my green eyes come open he hugged me to his chest. "What happened?" he asked me.
"Michael..." That's all that escaped my mouth before I broke down in tears. He lifted me from the car and carried me to the door of his house. He threw the door open and walked to his room where he layed me on his bed and started to walk away. Before he could get to far away I grabbed his arm and said, "Please don't leave me."
He replied with, "I'm just shutting my door and locking it and turning on some music and I will be right back, I promise." He placed a short kiss to my forehead before he shut and locked the door and turned on some All Time Low and came back to the bed. He layed beside me putting an arm around me, which suprisingly made me feel very safe. "Do you want to talk about it?"
I couldn't make my mouth form words so I just shook my head and cuddled into his chest, where I fell asleep listening to his heart beat.

Hey guys I know that it was short, but I wanted to update since it has been a month. Sorry but I have writers block right now. Vote and comment. Hopefully another update soon. Love y'all.

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