Chapter 6

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I turn the corner to go back to my apartment. I was going to ask Luke if he wanted to share it with me because I couldn't afford it by myself. I had been in the process of moving out so when I unlocked the door there were boxes everywhere. I tripped over one of them and fell to the floor in tears. I just laid there and cried.

*The next morning*

My phone was ringing, but I couldn't find it and honestly didn't really care to. I was still on the floor and the tears had dried on my cheeks.

I stood up and instantly regreted it, I had a pounding headache and fell back to the ground. I wish that it would just go away. I wish the world would go away honestly. I didn't want to deal with anything, not my mom or Luke or work or school or anything. I attempt to stand up again and this time more slowly and with success.
I grab some clothes out of one of the million of boxes and go to take a shower. I undress and jump in. I just stand there under the hot water, for the longest time. I finally deside that I really need to bath. I put my Bath and Body Works shower gel on my loofah and begin to wash. I rinse and wrap the towel around me when I remeber I forgot my underwear and bra in the bedroom.
I walk out of the bathroom and into the bed room when I spot a figure laying on my bed. "Dillion, when are you going to be done?" It moans not realising that I'm standing right there.
"Yeah, I wonder when she will be done?" I reply as Luke sits up on the bed looking straight at me.
"Stop staring you weirdo. I'm not just a piece of meat," I remind him, but he continues to stare. I grab my undergarments and take off toward the bathroom again. I shut the door and begin to dress. I'm mad at him I have to remember that. He scared me and made me think he was gone forever.
"Why am I such an idiot when I'm around her? I always do the stupidest shit when I'm around her," he whispers to himself. I stop at the door and think about what he had just said. Does Luke like me, like, like like me? No he can't we have been best friends forever, we can't just throw that away, right?
I shake my head trying to clear it and walk out of the bathroom to go join Luke.

Kindof a short chapter but I will write more in the next chapter. Thanks for reading and don't forget to hit that star button and comment. Love y'all.

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