CHAPTER 29 : Wanna

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After everyone seeing Aoi was back again, Inosuke wanted to have his rest in Aoi's room alone. At first, Kanao seems overprotect but she sighs in defeat and let the two have it as a repay because of her lying the previous day.

Aoi had a little bit of trouble because Inosuke lock her here. Inosuke is being overprotective again after he didn't have his moment with her for five days straight, and it was torture for him.

It was about to evening and Aoi had to close some of the curtains in the room. Inosuke suddenly hugs her from behind and carries her into his arms again, "I-Inosuke your wounds!"

"Tch, still came up with that again?" Aoi's wings was still in the way but he got used to it really quick.

Inosuke put Aoi in front of him on the bed and continue snuggled her from behind, while Aoi only can hold his arms. She stiffens when she suddenly felt Inosuke's warm lips against her neck, "I-Inosuke..."

"This is what you get after leaving me for days."

He continued kissing that spot for minutes and hugs Aoi tighter, doesn't want her to go even for a second. "W-Wait Inosuke, your dinner. Let's go eat—"

Aoi was cut off when her head was move to the side and meets Inosuke lips, the boar seems so eager and kiss her lips hungrily. He used his other hand to hold her head so she will stay put. Aoi at first still didn't kiss him back, but knowing Inosuke who is pissed, he squeezes her waists and give it a stroke.

The girl gasped and Inosuke use his opportunity to insert his tongue to deepen the kiss. Aoi give in and finally kiss back like the boar wanted to. As soon they met, Inosuke let out a low growl and kiss her more.

Aoi felt hot, she can feel all the energy from Inosuke that given to her, including all emotions and feelings to let her know how much the boar wanted to be with Aoi forever.

Inosuke then let go when Aoi was out of air, he turns her around and stare at her face that it was deep crimson red. She still closes her eyes to steady her breaths, she was relaxed after that when Inosuke pressed his forehead against her.

"You okay? Did I was too much?"

Aoi shakes her head, "I-I'm fine, you're a great kisser Inosuke."

That statement made the boar smirk and he kisses her again all over her face, other than her lips. "You don't know."

"How much." He kisses her nose.

"I wanted to kiss you so bad like I want to devour you or something." Last it was her forehead and Inosuke caught a scratch right there on her upper eyebrows. "What happen here?"

"Oh, uh... I got hurt by myself because of my wings hehe." Aoi giggled.

Inosuke eyes become sad and he hugs her again, "I don't care whether you have the Onna-Bugeisha power and had true form like that."

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