This Romantic Tragedy

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The end of the day bell rings releasing the horde of bullies, assholes and monsters that push and shove their way out the front doors of the school.  Me and Bane are waiting in the stall still, tired however the situations is not that bad due to the fact that my Bane is here with me.  His everlasting sweet kisses kept me company as we waited about short two hours in the same stall I was raped in.  Once all the kids have left, me and Bane leave carefully just in case Mason wants to stick around for some seconds.  We rush with caution out the back exit of the dirty school and out into the the dark dreaded skies that is pouring slowly with light rain.  “Hey maybe its best if we just go somewhere else, I mean the playground will most likely be all wet and I was thinking maybe we can go to the skating place?” .  Banes nods his head and starts searching his pockets for money “I have the money but I don't know… she will be...never mind, yeah lets go” Banes says with pauses while he grabs my hand tightly as we start our little walk.  It makes me think when Banes stutters just like he did that he is hiding something from me, well I trust him and I know he would not do anything to hurt me.

The skating ring is not that far from our school, you just head down west a couple of blocks and right down this long ass road then you're their.  I haven't been at skating for a while, last time I was there me and Banes got into a fight with Mason however that time it was just him alone so it was easy. As we are passing houses that are all beat up and shit, I notice a moving car drive by that seemed different to me.  It was a faded black trans-am that had a frnkiero andthe cellabreation symbol on the hood of the car that I personally love.  However I didn't get much of a look of who was driving it because the car was speeding too fast that no human could possibly make out who was driving it.  soon the car takes a turn and we no longer see it anymore.  Me and Bane keep our heads down while we walk slowly the rest of the short distance to the indoor skating rink in the damned rain.

Finally we make it too the skating rink where I notice the same car parked right outside in the broken down parking lot.  Now that I got a closer look at the car I see the letters “D.I.X” spelled on the passenger's side of the car.  looking inside the car I notice music cds, guns, drugs and clothes piled up in the back seats that has just enough room for four people if they squished themselves in their.  We walk through the front doors and glare out at the old rink that is semi-kept clean however infested with monster cans and bags of chips.  “Lets try to have a good time, okay” I say to Bane as he starts pulling out his money “I will when I see you are” Bane says in a soft tone.  I hand the old man standing in the small window behind the contour seven dollars and in exchanged he gives me a small, red, rectangle ticket that will get me my skates.  I walk a couple of feet down where lady ask “What's your shoe size?”, I know i'm a size nine however I blurt out “Ten” and she hands me my shoes that are surprisingly heavy. “Ten pleas” Bane says to the lady while giving her his ticket.  We walk over to a bench to sit down and put on our skates were I heard a group of laughter on the rink that scares me because it sounds a little bit like the group of guys that raped me earlier today.  

I tighten up my skates than look were the laughter is coming from and It surprises me when I see some people I know and some people I dont know.  As usual there's fucking Mason and his friends that he tries to hang out with after school Mara, also know as Muffin, Hayley, Mitchell, Oliver and Sidney (also know as Bidney).  Never really talked to them however I know Banes has talked to Mara and Sidney before in school however I don't know what about.  “Hey look its the Nipsters, how long has it been since we seen them?” I say without looking at Bane, “...I'm not sure, maybe two mouths?”  Bane climbs up on the bench and clings his comfortable loose arms around my waist as he hugs me from behind.  “Look those four are new”  Bane points over a group of girls dressed in the same colors as me and seems to be at our age too.  

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