Give em' hell kid

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Riding along in the darkest night on such a tragedy that seems to stick like glue, haunts me in my own thoughts, the thought of not being able to move on. I still am in shock from all the mess with Bayne , it feels like forever however we have only been driving for long to god knows where.  Grace and Rocky have been trying to get me to calm down however the tears fall like heavy rain.  The only good part of this is that I can have time to think to myself without the sounds of cheating, I can still remember every word and every second of it. I still can't believe Bayne  would do something like this, hes not the guy to be cheating and especially making out with girls. By the sound of his voice in the stall he really didn't want to hurt me like usual however he did mention that this has been going for a while which bothers me.  Every sexy kiss, every damned second of it was all just puzzle, you don't see what it is at first but then you see it for what it is.  

“So Gage I bet you would like an explanation to why and how we know you.”  Rocky looks over as she looks sharply and stares into my eyes.  I stare back down into my lap and mumble depressingly to her “Yeah sure.”  I can feel Grace grip my right arm as Rocky explains, “ We  know all about Muffin, she's been dating Bayne  for a while but they have been keeping it a secret, all we knew is that he had a boyfriend and was cheating on him, in time we got the name”.  I cry a bit however I don't make a sound, I lean back in the seat as I stare forward into Ashes mirror where I notice she is looking at me too. “ Its going to be okay, we are going to get her back...don’t you worry.” Ash says as she stops the car roughly.  Ash hands a gun to Kitty and while she pulls out her nice, pricey phone as she starts to text people.  “Okay showdown is at the school in the park, Gage you are officially a D.I.X. now, here.”

Ash hands me a loaded pistol that is painted red and has a D.I.X. label on the side of the small gun.  I honestly don't care what happens right now, I'm way too far from okay so this seems to be the answer to my problems, violence.  “Lets give them what they deserve…” I say in a dangerous and soft tone of voice as I stare straight out into the road as Ash speeds up the car.  I never thought I would this but I hope Bayne  suffers for every lie and pain he has caused me, however I still feel bad for him for some reason, maybe because I still care.

I look over as Grace and Rocky reload their guns that I find pretty cool at the moment.  I notice that Rockys gun is Pink and is the same color of her strap on that I can't but help to ask, “Hey why do you have a pink dildo on?”  Rocky looks over at me weirdly as she protests, “Its pink like me because I'm a girl, what the fuck?”  I give her a deadly smile as I look forward again as we come around the corner drifting roughly onto the street of the school.  We pull into the parking lot and park crookedly in two parking spaces and push out of the car slowly.  The park has some people standing in it however I can't tell because it’s too dark and the only way to make of anything is from the blazing street lights.  I study the scene as I notice there are five people standing in the park closely together like us however more dangerous looking.

Ash screams out “What's up faggots? Let’s get this over with.”  She pulls out her gun and points it towards the moving group of people. As they get closer I notice that there is Marah, Mitchell, Hayley and Bindney from skating then heartbreakingly, Bayne .  He has his hood up as he looks down towards the ground trying his best not to make eye contact with me to avoid me from seeing his face.  I might be angry and broken however, I still care about how Bayne  sees me. I still have blood shot eyes from crying in the skating rink and car.

“Why are you protecting that faggot, Gage? Ash, come on lets waist him and get out of here.” Marah says as she points a gun in my direction that does not bother me one bit.  Maybe it’s because I can't feel anything anymore.  If I die here I’ll honestly be just fine, if I'm dead I won't have to worry about the pain however if I live, I have to walk this world alone with all the hate.  Grace yells dramatically  “Where protecting him because nobody deserves the bullshit you cause!” .  Marah’s looks angrily over at Grace when she blurts out “Fuck you.” Just then to the left of Marah, somebody comes running over from with extreme exhaustion.  As the person approaches and becomes more clearer, I suddenly have a burst of silent shock as I realized who it was.  I know that pedophile anywhere as he slowly stops running and stands by the Nipsters, it’s Mason Shields.

“Sorry I’m late, I wouldn't miss Gage dying for anything.” Mason says as he looks viciously at me.  I start to become impatient with him as I start to squeeze my gun like a stress ball.  I point the gun up at him quickly with a blank face and he too does the same.  I give one last breath and focus my mind on just the Nipsters as I blurt “I wouldn't miss it either…”.  


Like a mass of wild dogs we fire deadly at each other, bullets flying back and forth that would decapitate anyone if they were in the middle of it.  We fell back to the car for cover and the Nipsters ran back into the park where they have a better advantage because of all the coverage.  Plus the park is pretty big so they could spread out and flank us from different angles.  We fire dangerously back at them as they do the same which is not all that pleasant because you can’t really hear yourself think.  The gunshots being fired ring though my ears, irritating my head so I can't really concentrate on my aiming.  I have watched tons of movies of people firing guns and other shit, however I never thought it would be this hard and annoying.  Maybe I'm just not cut out for this shit however there is no turning back now, if I die here then people would have something to talk about. I lie down on the hard concrete to get a better view of where they’re shooting from and I notice something that I really was hoping was not true.  I see Bayne  firing back at us with close precision and a careless face of the whole situation.  For a moment I start to tear up again however instead my grip loosens as I press my back softly against the car door.  I look blankly away from the gun shots as they fly over my head and hit some houses on the street.  I honestly might be able to take cheating because it has happened so much however when the person you still care about is trying to kill you, that’s a whole different situation.  I alway hoped that Bayne  would not be the one to end me, I always thought I would be the one to do it.  Fuck, I'm such an idiot.  

“Gage you have to keep fighting!” Ash screams at me while she stops firing to reload and I just give her a blank face, avoiding her comment.  I stand up carelessly and expand my arms out hoping for someone to end me.  If I can't be happy with myself and I have to walk this world knowing people like Mason and Bayne  do this kind of shit, then what's the point.  At least in this situation I can do it quickly and hope that they hit me correctly so it’s semi painless.  Mason pokes his head out and gives a stupid, evil look as he points his gun towards me.  I close my eyes tightly and embrace my death as it makes me impatient.

Next thing I know I feel a pain in my stomach area near my left rib that feels so dreadful to the touch.  I fall to my knees out of the sight from the Nipsters and hold my stomach with my hand that’s softly pressed on it.  I feel warm blood run down my hand quickly that drains out in front of the D.I.X’s.  They stop firing as they focus on me with their shocked and depressed faces while they freeze up staring into my eyes.  “Fuck off, it’s over, you win!” Rocky yells over the hood of the car at the Nipsters who just keep firing at us.  Rocky contrats her firer on Mason and he too falls to the ground however still breathing a bit.  Blood pours from his chest cavity as he lies in his pool of perverted blood that leaks out across the hard concrete ground.  I normally would be shocked at the sign of somebody dying however I just give a small smile in joy as the lights start to fade away.  Life can be unexpected if you really think about it, it can also be very quick in some cases.  Death ain't all that bad, at least in my case I still feel the same before I got shot in my stomach.  Ash and Grace drag me over and into the car when they say “Ash we need to get him to the church! Now!” Grace says as she piles into the car too.

In a matter of second I can't hear a single thing anymore and my vision is becoming dizzy from the lack of blood.  I lie my back comfortably on the soft seats in the car that makes this tragic moment so peaceful besides the emptiness of not being able to hear anything.  It’s like having ear plugs in that you can't take out and a blindfold that sworded into your head.  I have one last feeling of the car moving quickly which tells me that we are driving off however after that I can't feel anything.  My vision is finally pitch black and all sound is tuned out however my heart is the only sound I can hear as it starts to slow down.  Like I said earlier, it doesn't matter if I'm dead or alive, I still feel the same as before.  I think back to what Bayne  said in the bathroom stall, “...hell we could be dead and they wouldn't think twice.” and now that I think about it, he’s right…

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