Chapter Thirty Five

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13 years ago

This is the part of my job I dread the most- constant eduction. Just as we're getting used to the way things work, we're taught all over again.

So right now, at the quarter yearly required classes, the group of a hundred or so taking this one waits on our instructor- the secret service director, who will be talking about new policies and regulations. We're expected to commit everything to memory, and be able to recall it at the drop of a hat, in case we have to use it.

At the last one, in her own words:

"If you cannot memorize what you learn here, might as well drop out while you can. Because the more senior of a position you get, the more you'll be expected to remember. And in this line of work, the only way is up or out."

Some of the newer graduates looked fucking terrified of her, understandably. She is a damn strong woman, and as much as I hate to admit it, there are plenty of sexists and only seven women in this room. Most of the men grew up in households where they were told they had to protect others as a job. The women, from a conversation I had with one of them- said she was raised not to take shit from anyone, to go for what she wanted and never back down.

So there's the difference. For the women, this is their dream job. For the men, they've done it because it feels like their only option.

Regardless, as somebody who's seen it all- I'm proud of the young ones who got through training.

Nowadays they seem stronger. My graduating class was a bunch of puss-

"Hey-" A familiar face sits down beside me. I smile. "Is this seat taken?"

"Only for you." I shrug. "How have you been, Ella?"

"Tired." She sighs. "The mayor's got me working twelve hours a day. I can barely breath and he's yelling at me to get back to work."

"Ya know-" I turn to her. "He's right. You signed up for this knowing some protectees may prefer you over the others. This is a good thing Ella."

"You think so?" She tilts her head. "Cause he's a real ass."

"Aren't they all? Look, if he's asking you to work more than the others that means he trusts you.... Which means he'll probably write a positive review, which is a good thing because it'll help you get a promotion faster."


"Ella? Is that something you want?" I raise an eyebrow. She looks around like she's afraid someone might hear her, though they're all too absorbed in their own conversations.

"I.... I don't know." She admits.

No no no. This is bad.

For someone so new, we are both amazing at what we do. I could definitely see her as the head one day, when she has more experience.

Then just as I'm about to open my mouth, the room goes silent.

Because she is here.

  She walks to the front of the oversized classroom, not speaking because her presence does the work for her. Even if they don't respect her, the men know to keep their mouths shut. She can have any one of if fired for looking at her wrong, and nobody will blink an eye.

  The women are quiet because of how much they look up to her. When she turns back to us, she sighs. "Most of you know the drill by now, but for those of you whose first time is here, I will.... Go over the basic procedures. Every three months, you will take an exam and be examined to determine if your mental health is where it needs to be. The written exams will change from time to time, but the mental and physical examinations will always be the same. Now don't take that the wrong way- they are not easy to cheat on. The mental one uses lie detector tests. The Physical one will only be passed by constant effort on your part to keep a healthy body. We do have weight requirements- not out of prejudice, but because we need the people looking after our members of government to be fit themselves. And to our youngest, most recent graduates, My message is this:  Do not let the older ones intimidate you or let you feel like you have to listen to them just because of their age. You will be expected to follow orders fro your protectee, or your supervisor. That is all."

  Throughout the rest of the class, I keep glancing over. Ella's intently listening. Most of the room is.

  Because we all know what'll happen soon, with this being an election year. Kyle Wells won by the biggest margin in history, which means he'll need even more protection from the extremists, who will grow more violent.

  When she finally dismisses us, Ella and I walk together down the hallway. We decide we'll get lunch together (platonically) at a deli within walking distance, but then the director calls my name.

  "James-" she says, jogging to catch up with us. "Wait up."

  "Hello.... Ma'm." I try to be as respectful as possible. "What can... what can I do for you?"

  "Oh stop it with the formalities-" She rolls her eyes. "I get sick of it too. Anyways, I've got a job offer for you. We still don't have somebody to fill the position of The First Lady's Security head-"

  "Wait, what?"

  "You are one of our best agents, and somebody needs to do that job. " She slowly repeats herself. "I want you to at least think about it. You'll get to pick about half of the agents who'll work for you.This is the opportunity of a lifetime."

  And she's right.

  When she leaves, and I'm still trying to process what just happened, Ella excitedly starts jumping up and down. I just stare at the wall. There's no way this is real.

  And then when I look into her eyes, I know who my first pick will be.


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