Chaprer Fifty Seven

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We know he'll be supportive once he gets used to the idea, but there's no telling what his initial reaction will be. That's why we've been procrastinating for hours, finding one thing or another that has to be done around the house. Twenty minutes ago, we were organizing the living room. Now, we're cleaning the shower.


"Hmn?" She places her sponge down, wiping sweat from her cheek. This is probably the first time in her life she's willingly cleaned something- me too.

"We can't keep procrastinating. You said you wanted to tell him."

"Well yeah but.... It's just.... I'm...... you and the guy I dated for a few years right before you got here are the only real relationships I've ever had. And he's extremely protective-"

"And he trusted me enough to hire me, which means he'll probably trust me enough to marry you."

"That was before he found out about the whole..... terrorist thing."

"And yet he still let me continue to work for y'all." I cross my arms. "I love you- he understands that and..... Understands that I would never hurt you. Come on."

I stand up, offering my hand to her. She sighs and hesitantly take it. I throw my gloves at the wall. They land on the floor, and my cycle of messiness starts all over.

We walk through the neighborhood, getting smiles from the older couple who tries to feed me all the time. Then they spot our rings, and the woman gives her husband a knowing look. She whispers "They remind me of us when we first got married."

And there is no greater compliment.

We find my motorcycle in front of the walkway to the neighborhood. I start it up. On the way to her dad's house, we get to talking about the best parts of our lives as opposed to the worst.

After hers, I continue.

"When I was fourteen.... There was a brief time I thought my parents were gonna get back together.... Because they were being so civil and just... the way my dad looked at her was so loving." I sigh. "My mother ended up crushing him again later that year. When I first met Emily, and then you..... I didn't want to believe love was a real thing since I didn't see it as a two way street growing up. I thought- 'What's the point in trying?' But then you came along and..... completely ruined my thought process."

"Gee, sorry for that." She laughs. "You're not so bad yourself Uhm...."

Her face falls, the more painful me memories taking precedence.

"The worst..... rape was when I was fourteen. He was pissed off because one of his businesses didn't do well and was close to going bankrupt. He.... Was just.... Fucking brutal that day. I had bruises for weeks which..... it didn't help that he continued with his assaults. But during..... that time period I had my birthday and it was my best one yet. My dad took me skydiving. We went to this fancy restaurant that's closed down since and I swear he must've bought me a million dollar in gifts that year. Of course.... That's less than a day's salary for him but still. That was when he got me my second car and we just watched movies together after the birthday festivities were over."

"Maria....." I gulp, having a hard time focusing on the road. "I am so, so sorry-"

"For what? You didn't even know I existed at that point. Also you would have been thirty one then so...."

  I nod. Yeah, that's fucking creepy when I think about it.

  And for the first time, I do think about our age gap. While I was busy being a terrorist, she was just seventeen. Her law career wasn't far off, so she was certainly mature for her age, but still.... Ew.

  Now, as adults, it doesn't matter, other than the fact that I will most likely die twenty years before her. There's some rumors online about a U.S government project to expand the human life, but as far as we know it is just talk.

  I whisper another I love you as we arrive in Maria's neighborhood. Minutes later, we reach the gate and she reaches her finger out to let us in. She smiles at the security guard working today, we drop my bike by the gate, and we let ourselves in.

  The house feels oddly quiet, besides the low hum of an overpriced vacuum upstairs.

  "He's probably in his office." She says. "He always is this time of day."

  I follow her up the stairs. The hum of the vacuum grows louder, and the housekeeper peeks her head outside of a guest room when she hears footsteps.

  "Maria- Damon, how are you doing?" She asks. "What a nice surprise."

  Her and I exchange glances. Do we hide our hands and wait to tell her until her dad knows?

  From what she's told me, this woman pretty much raised her too. She referred to her as a substitute mother once. Her dad said he wanted her to have a strong female role model in her life when I asked him.

  She loops her fingers through mine and just holds them up. For about ten minutes we deal with her housekeepers excitement,  until Maria insists it's time to tell her dad.

   She lightly cracks the door open. He does not hear us, too absorbed in his work.

  "No, goddamnit, I told you I want everything left to her- yes I mean everything. Oh not that part, she wouldn't want that. Yeah, we'll be sure to be in touch. I want to get this done as quickly as possible. Okay. Bye." Upon the conclusion of his phone call, he aggressively throws it at the wall.

  Well that one's done for.

  It's not like he'll have a hard time affording a new one.

  "Dad?" Maria knocks on the now open door.

  "Yeah?" He sighs.

  "You okay? Who was that?"

  "Just.... Discussing the work load for one of my friend's daughters who'll start managing one of the company factories soon." He replies. I narrow my eyes. "I'm just tired honey, promise. What did you need?"

  Despite our planning, the words get stuck in Maria's head. She takes a deep breath and just holds our hands up again.

  Her dad grins, accentuating the bags under his eyes.

  "My friend is a judge. He can do it tomorrow if you want."

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