Chapter 8 The Aftermath

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A/N Hey you guys i love you all soooo much its crazy but please guys comment, comment. This time i want to do something different maybe idk lol anyways i got this idea from other people but mostly from a great writer called @isoclosh go vist her books and she made my day by writing a character about me and this chapter is thanking her and the readers who keep voting and helping me move on with my book. Mostly you guys I love writing so i do this as a hobby and an outlet if i'm having a bad day. Remeber chapter not edited so ask questions if the story line is not clear----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


----------------------------------->>> Chapter starts now enjoy!!! LOVE U All!!

~*Bella POV*~

I always thought that fairy tales were not real and happy endings are what you chosse to do in life. What I saw today made me see things differently I don't understand these are some of the guys i've grown up with whenever i came to see my dad. I juat watched in shock not really scared of what Embry has truned into. I saw a little bit of the woods eadge while i sat on the cold ground Jake still standing by my side looking at the woods too, he just must of been more shocked or scared than i was cause these are his best friends from childhood and framily friends. When i glanced up to see his face a tear fell to the floor by this time there were 3 more of our friends truned to wolfs and attacking the Cullens with their big head and knife like teeth. The barking and snarlging lowed a little as i really realized the fight was going deeper into the woods as i got up weakly from the shock it feels like my body doesn't know how to move anymore, i couldn't have ever thought in this big world i would find out that there are two supernaturl beingings in one freaking day, my life was just as boring as the next teenage girl but this i never dreamed of happening ever omg my head was spining in the thought. When my legs started moving foward so i could go see more of whats happening a warm hand pullled me back by the wirst i knew whos it was cause i was always the colder one in this friendship. I turned around slowly facing Jacobs scared,worried and hurtful eyes how is he going to deal with all this i thought he spoke softly

Jacob: "Bells please stay i'm scared" i thought he was whispering to me now i know the different side of Jake not the one that always acts strong. I couldn't take his sad like eyes so i pulled him in the strongest hug as i could give him then heard it crys

Jacob: "I cant... believe they hide... something like this from me, their my best friends and the others i grow up with them to" he said in between cries.

"I.. know Jake, its gonna okay, we'll get through this together i promise" i whisperd slowfty claming him down

Jacob: "Bella I'm scared.. will..will.. will i turn into one of them... and if i do will you leave me like we were never frienddds"? he questioned as he pulled away from the hug slowly and looking deep into my eyes trying to find an answer

"i don't know Jake but we'll find out and when we do i promise on my life i'll never leave your side it doesn't matter who i have to face to get myself to you" i quietly said i knew he heard me cause he nodded giving a weak smile and said

Jacob: "thanks bella" i just smiled and gave him a small kiss on the cheek after i was pulling away from that we hearded voices

Sam: "Quil get both of them to Emilys place i'll meet you guys there soon" it was more like an order to him like he was the boss of a company or something then he turned to us and said "Jacob, bella i know how confessed you both might be, but i cant answer anything till i break the fight go with Quil please"... he said the last few words like he did with quil

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