Chapter 1- The Day

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 Authors note: Hey guys this is my first story, and I'm a big twilight heart fan!! I have everything in Twilight from books to posters. Also just to let you know I'm a big TEAM JACOB FAN! I read a lot of books that everyone made on wattpad about Jacob and Bella and they are really great. A big shout out to my friend "Flawlesswriter3" for editing some part of my book go check out her books she's an great writer. ALL RIGHTS BELONG TO STEPHENIE MEYER for the twilight saga big fan of all your books!!!! ONLY some of the scenes that are not in the book (twilight serises)  I made up and belongs to me and if I add any chracters! ALL TWILIGHT SAGA RIGHTS BELONG TO STEPHNIE MEYER!! Anyways I hope you all enjoy my book comment, vote, message me on what you think and please keep in mind that it might start off slow but I promise it will pick up soon!! :) I'm going to be writing 5 pages for each chapter and update them each week hopefully and also i know I might have some gammer spelling really sorry about it i try to edit as much as I can, but I really wanted to post it. please comment love hearing feedback ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------




Today was the day, I was standing in front of my house looking over the beach as the hot sun shined on my skin, I always knew this day was coming but I didn't think I was ready for it. My mother Renée just got re-married again after four years, the guy travels a lot because of his job he plays baseball for living his name is Phill Dwyer his a good guy and nice too, but I don't think I can be one the road and keep up with my school work and I really wanted to graduate in time, because I really want to get out of high school as soon as I can. I'm going to go live with my dad for a while in a small wet city in Washington called Forks, Anyways it's been a long time since I saw him it would be good for me to spend some time with him. My mom and Phil dropped me off at the airport and I said my goodbyes and hug my mom and said

"I love you", as I whisper in her ear and she gave me a big hug, smiled and walked away with Phill's arm around her before she started crying... .................................................

it was an 5 hour trip from Florida to Forks as I got on the plane and took a sit and I just stuck headphones in my ears as I feel asleep... when I come out of the airport with my bags my dad was standing there waiting for me with a big smile on his face, Charlie Swan that's where I got my last name,

Charlie said "it's nice to see you again Isabella,"

"Nice to see you again dad, but I just like to be called Bella remember"?

"Right sorry... I forgot Bella",

"Its okay" I replied back

"So how's your mother doing, is she happy with Phil?" he asked me trying to make a conversation between us,

"She good and happy after a long time"

"That’s good" he said trying to fake a smile because he knows he still missed my mother after all these years

After a ten minute drive in silence Charlie said "well... here we are."

As we turned into the drive way I remembered this house but I was a little girl when I and my family lived here, Charlie got my bags from the car and said

"Your room is up stairs go see if you like it".

I went up stairs it's a small house one bedroom and one bathroom. My dad came up stairs shortly after I got up their asking if I liked the room

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