Chapter 5 Favorite Person in the world

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*Bella POV*
I was in a deep sleep dreaming about Edward and then his family... How can they all look the same pale skin, same color eyes and how I was so positive that something is different about them. Edward his skin is soooo cold that I couldn't believe it, and also because I think that Edward is creeping me out with his stare but I think there is, something that I might really like about the Cullen's once I find out the truth. But this dream was really frightening I couldn't believe what I was seeing was red blood all over their clothes, is it true, or isn't true? The dream ended when someone was knocking on my door I open my eyes slowly to find Jacob standing there.

"Good Morning Beautiful, or should I say good afternoon" he said in a husky voice then started to chuckle a little.

"What"!? My voice might have sounded shock but I was in shock that I slept this long I quickly turned over on my side where my clock was and it was 12pm.

"Omg how did I sleep for so long, I'm sooo sorry Jacob let me get dressed and we're head out"

"It's okay Bells no need to be sorry, but by the looks of it I think you were studying when you fell asleep" Jacob pointed at the bed where all my school text books laid were my feet where.

"I guess your right about that" I couldn't help but laugh at my self I'm such a book worm and I heard Jake join in.

After that Jacob left and I got up to my feet quickly embarrassed by the fact I could sleep in this late, anyways I cleared my head and picked up all the books and piled them on top of each other on my study desk. Then as fast as I could without falling flat on my face on the floor, I picked out my clothes for today. I really wanted to look nice for Jacob and it looked like Forks was going to have a nice day, very sunny, and I could just feel the warmth right outside my window. Even if it wasn't that warm here, it will sure be in La Push. I remember my mom pack me a few summer dresses that I didn't even wear. When I was with her and I never really liked wearing dresses unless I really had to, but for some reason I wanted to look nice for Jacob. I found this navy blue summer kind dress, it has a U shaped neck line then with long lace slaves it goes to my elbow but in the middle of where the body length is its like a white thick tank top inside the lace that's outside, and at the bottom of the dress goes to knee length and is light and wavy. After I got dressed and I came downstairs, my dad and Jacob were waiting for me in the living I could hear their voices,

"soo, I guess Billy is coming over after he sees the Clearwaters"? I heard Charlie ask Jacob

"yeah he is Charlie , but I think Harry is joining you guys to watch the game". I heard Jacob say

"I'm ready to go Jake" I called coming down the hall into the living room were the boys got up from there seats then stopped in their tracks.When Jacob saw me he couldn't say a thing he was speechless that's what I was going for. My dad looked pretty shocked too it was soo funny how their faces were. I couldn't hold in my laughter anymore. I started laughing so hard.

"haha you faces are too funny honestly stop looking at me like that both of you. Please my body is aching of laughter". Then the too boys cleared their throats.

"You look very nice kideo but your mother says it's hard to get you in a dress my father spoke with a weird look on his face. Ohhh maybe your just trying to look nice for a guy you seeing today." He teased I could feel mine and Jakes checks turn red.

"Dad it's nothing like that me and Jacob are just friends, AND we are not seeing anyone else today that I dressed for either understood dad?" I said as an angrily tone in my voice

"I'm just joking Bella, you two go have fun but not to much fun!


"okay okay I'm sorry that was my last I promise sweet heart" he said in a hurry so I don't get mad again

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