Chapter 10 What to do now?!

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A/N Hey all my lovely fans, I really hope you liked the last chapter and I know I was really late of writing it, but I promise that I'm going to try my best to update sooner rather than later. Cause I really love you guys for reading my book and commenting. One more thing you guys, I wanted to ask on of you a favour I need someone to make a better cover for this story and in return, I'll tell my followers and I'll wrote in the authors note next time about the person who made the cover and to check out that person books. Let me know guys message me if you want to make the cover for me, it just has to be Jacob and Bella on the cover plus the tittle. Thanks again everyone love you all very much and remember vote, comment, let me know what you think. 

Same day that Jacob passed out everyone from the pack to Jacob father and Bella are at his house waiting for Jacob to wake up. While everyone was waiting they didn't quit understand what was going on with Jacob. Everyone was confuse and the satiation but only Sam and Billy Black knew the truth of what was going on. The two of them didn't know what to do or say to Bella and the others, all they knew, was they had to talk each other first before the news gets out so they walked into a room together.

Billy: "Sam you know what happened to Jacob right?"

Sam:" Yes Billy I know and understand what happened, I knew that imprinting could be strong but I didn't know that it could be this strong."

Billy: "Yes your very right Sam imprinting forms a very strong bond between two people, but in our genes I mean the The Emphim Black generation is very different from other wolfs."

Sam" Because of the fact they have a birth right to lead the biggest pack in the land, it's meant to be the strongest, fastest and with a high determination to keep our people safe, right Billy?"

Billy: "Yes Sam your very right I am impressed with how much you know about our kind, I'm guessing you have read the journals and to tell you the truth Sam I'm happy I and the council members asked u to be Alpha while Jacob takes some time for himself, you'll be there to teach him the ropes and when Jacob is really he'll take the place of alpha"... (There was silence)

Sam: "Thank you Billy for giving me the chance to tech our young wolfs how to handle things, I'm very proud of myself for the job I've done, and yes when ever Jacob is ready to take over I'll be happy to drop down Billy I just wanted u to know that."

Billy: "You're welcome Sam, you have had a rough time in life but you managed to change yourself around and your getting ready to marry your imprint, you have grown a lot over the past and right before my eyes... Keep up the good work son, you'll always be a second son to me just remember that".

Sam: "Thank you Bil... (He saw a glare from Billy) Sorry thanks dad.

Billy: " Now that's a good boy" (he gave a small smiled at Sam, then someone was knocking at the door)

Billy:" Come in" he called (the door opened and Paul came in)

Paul: "Sorry to interrupt, I just thought you should know Jacob is awake"

Billy:" it's ok and Thank you Paul, we're right behind you... Oh and Paul can u ask everyone to leave Jacob room stay in the living room"

Paul" sure thing" he said and turned around and left for Jacob's room

Billy: " we need to explain everything to Jacob, let's go and remember Bella can not know anything yet cause Jacob has to explain to Bella what's going on."

Sam: "Sure thing dad I understand". both me and billy went into Jacobs room to talk

*~Jacob POV~*

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