Chapter 3 - The Accident

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Authors note: Hey guys I'm happy with the reads I'm having right now, thank you so much. And I'm so sorry for late I've been so busy. I would like to make a dedication to "CharlotteSluder" for giving me comments on every chapter for my book, go check out her books its really great! I'm really trying to pick up the speed of the story. Sorry for any gummer/spelling mistakes. Please comment, love to hear feedback, Also just to let you guys know I am going on to my back home country for my cousins wedding for a month I am leaving March 11 but I'll make sure to post many updates before I go, because I enjoy writing for myself and you guys I read my own book sometimes lol that’s how much I love writing and I love u guys for reading my book! However I'm going to be taking my laptop there so hopefully I can write. Thanks for all reads love you guys! Enjoy----------------------------------------------------


 "* Bella POV *"

 After gym class was done me, Jessica and Angela went to the change room to take a quick shower because we all smell like swat, and talking about who was really fast Angela was joking around saying that the run between me and Jacob wasn't a fair run. We just laughed, Jessica and Angela entered the change room and just before I enter someone's arm reached out to me, I was really scared I just didn't want it to be Ed...ward. I held my breath for the moment.... and turned around slowly see Jacob thank god, I said to myself and let the breath I was holding..... 

“Gezz Jacob you scared me"

“Wow Bella you’re not that jumpy are you?" he gave a laugh

“Yes I am, so wat's up"? I said with a curious tone in my voice

“I wanted to ask you if you can wait for me a few minutes, to give me a ride back to your place because my bikes still there and I can't get home without it, and we can finish that math homework like I promise". He gave me a grain I can feel the warmth from his grain and his eyes narrow

"Yeah sure, and you better keep that promise, I'll be waiting in the parking lot beside my truck"

"Ok see you in a few minutes" he gave me a small hug with his arm around my waist...

After gym classes I took a quick shower in the girls change room and I got dress back into the clothes I was wearing this morning, tied my shoe laces tight so I won't fall because I'm so clumsy. Then I said goodbye to the girls and walked out to the parking lot, Jacob still wasn't there, so I decided to put me stuff in the truck and stand against the door and text Jacob. I figured it was taking him a long time because he was washing his long black hair. I took out my blackberry and typed the password and starting texting...

“Hey Jacob just wondering how long your going to be, waiting for you in the parking lot" -Bella

It took a few minutes to get a reply back

"Hey Bella its Embary Jacob is still in the shower washing his hair he said he will be out in 5mins" -Embary

My guess was right that he was washing his hair, and Embary was so sweet to text me from Jacob's phone, I think his the kind one in Jacobs group of friends the others seem like hot heads. Then I decided to text him to thank him for the information

"Hey thanks Embary for the information, tell Jacob I will be waiting" -Bella 

As I was waiting for Jacob, I saw the Cullen’s at the other side of the parking lot some of them still staring at me, but then I saw Edward and he gave me a wave with a smile  on his face I just waved back and stood looking towards the other direction hoping he won't come here and start talking to me, it's just something about him and his family, because I really don't believe the story he told me about their eyes, like really how stupid do you think I am "the weather causes our eyes to turn gold" give me a break! While I was in my train of thoughts I had my head phones in my ears and I didn't realize what was happening around me... I heard a lot of voices yelling "Bella watch out"! And a loud horn sound coming at me I quickly turn around to realize that a van was coming towards me, I just stood in shock not knowing what to do and I knew it was too late to run.. whennnn.. ittt.. was... soo close... to hitting me........ 

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