Authors Note

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Hi to all my lovely fans I just wanted to let you know how sorry I am for not updating and continue this story I really am hoping to finish this book and do a series of this book. I ran into some really bad health problems and I didn't really expect something like that to happen. I don't know if I told you guys that I have been sick when I was a little girl I had a bone marrow transplant done when I was 5 years old and due to that I had a lot of side effects, one of the main side effect was my skin colour changed and my joints in my knees wear bent and my fingers are bent to so I stopped walking at the age of 8 years old. It's been 11 to 12 years since I have walked. I didn't mind that I wasn't walking at least my health problems slowly calm down. Now i went though really hard problem that i didn't know I had... I had cancer in both my feet and the doctor told me sugary was the only way to stop the cancer, I agreed to above knee amputation this has to be the worst thing i went though now I faced death twice in my young age i'm 19 now. The surgery was June 6th and I was in rehab for 2 months to gain my strength back. Anyways I am home now and I am going to start writing again very soon so keep a look out lol. Thank you all for supporting me soooo much!!!! I Love All Of You!!! <3  

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