Chapter 11 Don't Tell Her The Truth

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A/N Hey guys like I said I'm really sorry for the late updates I don't have time these days cause I'm trying to finish school and I have health problems so it's twice has hard for me. Anyways this is thing I love to do and I feel like I'm really good at it. Making you guys happy with theses chapters make me happy I ask you guys to please vote and comment, cause I love to hear if you liked the chapter or not it makes my day when I read your comments. Writing this book is not just a hobby I love to write these chapters for all of you. I would like to thank @NatashaCelli and NKbubbles for always commenting and making my day, I hope every one of you continue to support me by voting and comment I can also give you guys a hint of good news, this book will not end here it will continue as a series just like the real ones I hope you guys look forward to that when the time comes cause I'm not done with this book yet there is many chapters planed out. :D <3

IMPORTANT NOTE----> There is a picture of what bella is wearing for this scene and a video clip even though she's not wear the same clothes as I described.

~*Bella POV*~

I woke with my phone buzzing many times, I open my eyes and stared at the celling agh I hate mornings I thought to my self and today is another day of school. I got tried of hearing my phone buzz so I put my hand on my night table trying to feel for my phone finally when my cell was in my hand. I looked at it and there was 5 texts from Jacob and 2 from Edward I looked at Jacob's first

Texts from Jacob

"Good Morning SunShine Are You Awake Yet?"

"I'm guessing your not cause I waited 5 mins for your reply I know your not a morning person Bells haha and probably you put the covers over your head so you can ignore the beeping from my texts".

"Anyways Bells I know yesterday was a hard day on both of us, I was wondering to make up for it if I can come pick you up to give you a left to school than after school if we can go grab something to eat at the dinner"

"Bella please reply back I'm worried you don't wish to see/talk to me again. Just reply back to me soon Bells please." :(

"Ok Bells its getting late for school we only have 20 mins left even though you didn't reply to my texts I want to come in person and apologize, I be there soon hope your awake and ready sunshine". ;)

I looked at the clock and jumped out of bed oh shit, shit, shit there's only 15mins left for school and I know how fast Jake drives he'll be here any min I can't look like this in front of him! I look like a lazy bed head, and if he see's me like this he is never going to let go of it he'll make fun of it for a few days. I looked at myself in my dresser mirror, and agreed with myself yup I differently look horrible. I got some black skinny jeans and a red checkered blouse (picture at the bringing of chapter) I walked to our bathroom quickly but before I could walk inside the door bell rang, I knew who it was great just my luck Jakes here I didn't want him to see me like this but I have no choice cause Charile left for work early I walked down staircase cause the door bell kept ringing and I didn't want Jake to think I didn't want to talk to him I yelled coming down

Bella: "I'm coming, I'm coming just hold on". 

I looked into the mirror that was in the hallway before I open the door and tried to fix my hair but sadly failing. I opened the door ready to face Jakes laughter

Jake: "Hey sunshine good morning" then he started laughing

I gave him a death stare and said " yeah yeah I look horrible thanks for bringing a great friend and laughing at me, I'll be back need to get dressed as you can clearly see Im not ready" I said stochastically said and turned alway then suddenly I felt a warm arm on mine

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