Chapter 4 - Finding the truth

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Author's note: Hey guys i'm back!!! I know the next chapter was kind of slow and short, but I'm trying my best to pick it up... Thanks for reading you guys are the best I can't believe I have 407 reads you guy are really great and i love love the comment keep them coming. I'm so sorry for the late I'm on my 4week vacation with my family in India and I'm also not feeling well I have the flu, and there has been no Internet which is driving me up the wallll!!!!!!!!!! Because I can't keep up with my school work or writing my book. Again I'm really sorry but here's a good chapter after the long wait. There is a video above and a picture of the top she wears for this chapter. But after a long wait I'm back in Canada and writing again.  Thanks guys love u read, comment, vote   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

The Next Morning

*Bella's POV*

Beep, Beep, Beep, Beep

I groan and slap my alarm that was sitting on my bedroom side table                             

"Ughhh stupide alarm clock" I moaned    

When I woke up, I found myself in a little bit of pain but it wasn't too bad. It could have been worse which could have been my right hand but it wasn't, because I'm right handed which would be a bad thing, then I wouldn't be able to do things well, but the glass only went into my left hand. Which I was very thankful for that. I then notice the small note on my desk side table where my alarm clock was, I recognized the hand writing only Jacob would have that type of hand writing which was really messy but still read able. I only had 3 classes with him so far and I got to learn how to read his writing, it said

"Hey Bella you fell asleep before I could bring you a sandwich, you must have been very tried so don't blame yourself for it... Your dad came home at 12:30am and told me to leave so I'm leaving now, but I promise I'll see you first thing tomorrow morning, don't leave without me I'll come to give you a left. Good Night Bella.... Or should I say Good Morning Sunshine.... Take Care see you soon -yours truly Jacob

״Aww he's so sweetet why can't all guys just be like him״ I said softly to myself and took in a deep breath  and let it out, then a small sighed but I laughed a little bit at the note good morning sunshine, I don't know if he knows me that well but, he should be able to tell that I wasn't a morning person, so did he mean that for real or sarcastically... but sadly I couldn't figure it out, I did however found it very cute through. I was about to leave my nice, middle sized queen bed it was too comfortable, but just when a sound broke my train of thoughts. That's when I heard an incoming text message; it was playing a ring tone for my text a song (Radioactive Imagine Dragons). I typed in my password into my blackberry and I opened the text message it was a text from Jacob, it said

״Hey Bella good morning, I'll be there in 10mintues to give you a lift don't leave without me״..

I replied back saying ״Hey good morning, okay I just woke up, and I wasn't planning to anyways see you soon ״...

He replied by saying an "ok"

I got up and I was feeling lazy, I looked out my bedroom window to check the weather outside, for my second day in Forks I was surprised it wasn't wet or rainy, it was really sunny so I went through my closet and picked out a pair of sky blue skinny jeans and white t-shirt there was a little bit of lace where the shoulders sleeves are. It was a little bit dressy but not too much, then I walked into the washroom bushed my teeth took a quick shower then I got dressed. When I entered the kitchen my dad was sitting at the dinner table with a newspaper in one hand and a coffee in the other.

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