Chapter 12 Meeting the Cullen's

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A/N: Hey all my lovely fans I"M BACK!!! I really appreciate the support you guys have given me, I'm really so sorry for the late wait but now I'm back. And I really hope you guys will continue to support me cause I love all of you! Wattpad is the only thing I have to get away from whats going on in my life, and this is the place where I meant all of you! FYI I didn't edit this yet please forgive me for the mistakes and this is like a filler chapter.

Now Go Ahead and read Don't Forget to Comment and Vote!!! Love You All!! <3 ---------->

*~Edwards POV~*

It was another boring school day, I keep thinking about Bella Swan. In my family even though we are all vampires all my brothers have a partners meaning I have 2 brothers and 2 sister-in-laws. I'm the only one that hasn't had a partner in my family everyone in my family is happy except me. When my sister Alice had a vision that a new girl was coming into town named Isabella Swan but she just likes to be called Bella. Since Alice could see the future in her visions of people she had a vision of me and Bella together happy and in love I was shocked, I asked her how it was possible because Bella is a human and even though my family has gotten used to the fact not drinking human blood. Alice told me she saw Bella a human then she turns into a vampire, but as we all know her visions could change. I have to be honest when I first saw her I think I was falling for Bella. What bugs me the most is that Bella hang's out with those dirty dogs, I don't understand what she sees in them.

My class was done and the bell just rang for lunch, when me and my siblings were grabbing a tray of food and sat at our usual table in the cafeteria. Then I saw HER walking into the cafeteria with those "dogs" and I had a really bad urge to ask her out. Alice saw a thunderstorm coming to forks tomorrow evening in a vision of hers, and my family  was thinking of playing baseball at that time cause vampires can only play baseball on thunderstorms days. That's when I thought of a great idea for Bella to get to know me and my family members a little better and maybe get her away from those "dogs". I was waiting for the right time to approach her cause I know her friend Jacob Black is very protective of her.

*~Jacob POV~*

Paul: "What the hell is wrong with him? Does he have a thing for your Bella cause honest to god tell him to quit it before I blow up?!"

Jacob: "Paul shut your trap already we all know you hate the Cullen's but we can't do anything to break the treaty... If they hurt one of our own then we can go after them and I promise you'll get the first shot to rip off their heads.

Paul: "Yeah, Yeah whatever you say since when have they broken the treaty, never in my life time... and I don't think that's going to happen, but I have a really bad feeling that Edward Cullen guy has a thing for Bella and if they hurt her we can go after them".

Jacob: "Look thats not going to happen I know Bella more than anyone else and she's not into those type of guys, and besides she's still kinda of shy to be around people at school".

Paul: "Hmm whatever but you better keep a close eye cause look what's going on there, that Edward kid is talking to her I wonder what's it about?"

Jacob: "Paul just please don't cause any trouble and I will keep an eye out for Bells don't worry, she is my responsibility and Bella tells me everything I am sure she will tell me want that talk is about."

Paul didn't say anything after that all the wolf pack member's know I have feelings for Bells. He is right Edward is driving me crazy cause their vampires and she's gonna get hurt, I'm very worried about that. I will do anything to keep her safe and I will keep her safe. I just looked over to see Edward and Bells talking I just hope she doesn't fall for him cause I love her with my whole body and soul.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2020 ⏰

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