Chapter 6 Scared of the truth

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A/N hey hey u guys I'm back and better then ever! I can't believe i got 97 reads on the last chapter. I know my chapter is a bit flat. I really hope u guys like this one. I also put a video for this chapter on the right side please check it out! Well I do have some sick days here and there never seems to end. oh well, anyways I love you guys so much to keep following this book!! I don't know what I did to have such loving fans so thank thank thank you soo much!! The next people to comment i'll write your names to thank you guys. The first 5 comments I'll thank you guys in my next chapter Thank you my loving fans. VOTE, COMMENT, FAN

A big shout out to the following people for making me want to write again




Isabella813 <3 ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------The Follow Chapter Is Not Edited----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 Enjoy-------------------------------------------------------------->

Bella POV*

I woke up to a cold and rainy day, it's 7am and Jacob texted me saying he will come and pick me up cause he really needs his jacket back. I still can't believe I managed to take it from him without even noticing I had to give it back. It's just another day back to school after the weekend and the fact that I managed to find out the truth about the Cullen's truly are I'm going to face them. I really want to tell Jacob about the truth I found out but I can't be to sure I might be wrong even though there is a less percent chance on it. If I tell Jake he might think I'm crazy, or something to just believe in a tribe story that he told me, I hate hiding this from him but still I can't say a word to anyone not just yet. I was picking out what to wear today I really hate rain cause it always manages to make me fall on my butt or my face, either one really hurts though but I can't cry like I used to when I was little hmm.... my dad would always come running when he heard me crying and try to make me feel better.. my train of thoughts stop when there was a knock on my room door it was left open but i was to busy thinking while sitting on my bed side staring at the window.

Charlie: Hey Kideo, breakfast is ready and jacobs here to give u a ride

Me: Thanks dad ill be down soon

My dad left me alone then I went back to checking if i was ready for school, i made sure to grab Jakes jacket before i went down stries.

Jacob: Hey bella want some breakfest?

Charlie: Yeah bella, Jake here is a really good cook only been here for a few mintues and made a small amary of food.

I heard my dad call from the kitchen, I was really surprised Jake made it here early again, I didn't even hear his car or anything maybe I was just to forces on myself. Anyways in looked at the sliver clock that hang in our living room 8:01am we still have a few minutes until school starts at 8:20am, I made my way over to the kitchen table for breakfast. as I entered Jacob saw me and handed me a plate with 1 toast with butter, some eggs on the side and 3 pieces of bacon.

"Thanks Jake this all looks great, but I am surprised u know how much I eat". I said raising an eyebrow at dad thinking he said something. Dad quickly returned his forces on his newspaper and coffee, acting like he doesn't know anything.

Jacob: "Oh don't look at him like that bells, I'm the one who asked him, Charlie told me that he shouldn't say anything".. Jacob said giving me a quick wink

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