Move In? - Zayn

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Sorry I didn't write this before, I got caught up with BBB and RW. But here it is, the next in the collection of adult vignettes! hehehe Enjoy!

Bel, xx


Move In? - Zayn

     “Don’t you get tired of living alone?” I ask Mila as I help her to re-organise her room. Every few months she has to move everything and I like helping her.

“I quite enjoy it. It’s calm and I can do whatever I want, I don’t have to answer to anyone. It’s a lot of work, though, to keep a home on your own. Paying all the bills, cleaning, keeping the house stocked you know? But I like having my own place,” she answers and I nod, knowing that quite well.

“I find it lonesome. Maybe it’s because I spend so much time on the road so I always miss home and not just home but… you know, that warmth of home. I miss my mum and my sisters, even if I don’t live with them anymore,” I comment helping her to move the bed to the other side of her room.

“Yeah, I figured that. You always come here first when you arrive from tour,” she mentions and gives me one of her cheerful smiles. “With dirty clothes and everything.”

I stick out my tongue sheepishly. I have my own place but I find it so cold and lonely. I spend more time at Mila’s now that she lives alone when I’m on town.

“Mila,” I start, taking a more serious tone this time. “Wouldn’t you want to move in with me?” She stops grabbing books to move to the other shelf. “We’ve been together for almost four years now and I know you don’t want to get married, but what about living together? Or are you not ready for that yet?”

I sit on her bed, watching her carefully, assessing her reaction to know what to expect and how this is affecting her. I know Mila pretty well, but she still manages to surprise me sometimes.

She walks up to me and sits in front, taking my hands.

“Is that what you want?” she asks calmly and I nod slowly.

“I know I’m mostly out the country but I want to share a home with you. To know that when I come back, I come back to our place. And most of the time it would be like you’re living alone. We can look for a place together that you like. Big enough for the two of us. And I can have my room for painting and you can have your own library with all the walls covered in books and a reading chair and you would have your own kettle and tea supply there so you wouldn’t have to go to the kitchen to get a mug and some blanket and a heating system for winter and AC for summer—”

She laughs out loud as I keep rambling and that makes me stop.

“You’ve thought about this a lot, haven’t you?” I look down because she’s caught me, per usual.

“Maybe,” I mumble and she laughs even more.

“It’s called nook, the type of chair you mean. And that room would be only for me?” she questions and it takes me two seconds to realise she is following my idea.

“Yes, only for you. Your particular use,” I clarify, my eyes wide and my heart racing.

“I would still have a nook for you so you can read there, too. And I could write there, so I’ll need a desk and a good view. I also think a house is better than a flat for us, but not too big. I don’t want anything pompous. Just enough for the two of us and our dogs. We’ll have dogs first, right?”

I can’t breathe for almost a minute, just listening to her. All I can do is nod, nod, nod.

“Y-yes, we’ll look for a place like that,” I comply and she smiles widely at me.

“Then, when are we gonna start looking for our home?”

I don’t reply, I just grab her face in my hands and pull her for a kiss, and I can’t stop smiling, my heart soaring. I can’t believe this is happening, that she agreed and I didn’t eve have to beg. We’ll have a home together. I can’t think of anything better right now.

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