Australia - Zayn

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Okay, this one shot I wrote it like a billion years ago, but Mila kept it hostage. I could finally type it and post it. I hope you like it. Mila requested for this :3 so it's dedicated to her.

It takes after MQ and B&S end.

Bel, xx


Australia - Zayn

"So it's settled," I agree wrapping my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to my body. Her back is against my chest, her curls fall around her face stroking my cheeks when I put my face next to hers, and her hands land on top of mine.

"Yeah, it's gonna be great. I also need a vacation," Mila says resting her weight on me, cuddling.

We are on a break before heading to Australia to carry on with the world tour and even if we want we can't take breaks as often anymore as we are heading to other continents now. After this stop in Australia and New Zealand, I won't see Mila in over a month and that's a lot. We'll have a weekend off during our time there, but Mila refuses to let me fly back home for so little time knowing it would only exhaust me more and with the tour is already enough. So we arranged that she would go to Australia for that weekend. She has never gone there so it's a win-win situation. And this idea makes me so excited! We'll go to the beach, in a hot day although it's winter back at home. That's one of the perks of touring: you can extend summer.

Having this agreement makes things more bearable for when I have to leave again. I love being in One Direction, I love touring and travelling the world with the lads, but we have to give so many things up, such as time with our loved ones. I wish I could spend more time with Mila, not every second of the day, but at least more than once a week or once every month. I just wish my job would allow me to settle down instead of being on the moving all the time. Even if we are not as popular as before, we still can't do whatever we want to do. One way or another, we're always forced to do something.

Therefore, having the possibility of taking Mila with me, even for a few days, makes things easier and better. And she is excited too as I tell her all the things we can do while we are there.

"By the way," I say as I kiss her cheek quickly. "You can't bring the koala with you."

Mila actually turns around in my arms and pouts like a little girl who's been told she can't have her favourite doll back. She looks adorable. I love when she looks at me like that.

"Boo! But I want a koala. I wanna name it Harry, as clingy as him."

I chuckle and kiss her temple ever so softly. "I'm sorry, babe. But we can get a dog." She thinks about it. We've been together for a year and a half, it's not that crazy is we get a dog together, but I know her, I know she wouldn't be happy with both of us having a dog. Too much commitment. "He'd be only yours but you'd have to let me play with him," I add just to put her at ease and she smiles brightly at me. Oh Mila, always a dog lover.

Smiling sheepishly, she stands on her tiptoes and pecks my lips. "We'll see later."

+ + + + +

Bright and warm, it's such a great day in Australia. We've had a few gigs already and it's been great. A lot of promo and interviews going on, and yes, we're exhausted, so I'm looking forward to this weekend off. Being able to enjoy the city, sleeping until late, doing nothing but enjoying myself. And of course, being with Mila. I can't wait for her to arrive so we can spend a few days together.

I haven't seen her in three weeks already and I miss her terribly. We've video-called frequently, but it's never the same as seeing her in person. I want to hug her, wrap my arms around her small body and never let her go. I really need to see her to give me strength for the rest of the tour. I need her smile to believe that I can do this, that I can carry on although it's so hard to be away from home. I get homesick all the time, but when she's with me, we can be in Timbuktu and I'll feel at home.

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