Trousers - Harrah

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"I can't breathe, oh my God, I'm going to die. How do you manage to walk in these?" Hannah exclaimed with eyes wide open.

Harry, who was in front of her, couldn't stop laughing at the peculiar scene that was taking place. Just a silly bet had taken them to that moment and he never imagined it would be that funny. All because she lost playing scrabble.

"I'm serious, Harry. Don't laugh! I don't understand how you manage to go around wearing these."

"I'm used to it," the boy replied with a shrug watching his girlfriend struggling to stay on her feet without fainting. "They are just trousers."

Hannah looked at him with a scandalised expression. "Just trousers? These are tighter that a corset! Now I understand why Elizabeth faints in Pirates of The Caribbean 2," the ginger girl mused.

The bet for losing in scrabble was to try the other's trousers and as Hannah had lost she was now trying to stay alive whilst wearing Harry's. She knew he wore skinny jeans all the time, she just never imagined they were that tight. It had taken her twenty minutes to put them on and by that moment she could barely feel her legs.

"Harry, I can't even flex my leg. This is absurd!" Harry just laughed again at the scene. "I can't believe you actually wear these."

"I don't use those ones anymore, though. I bought them long ago," he explained, thinking that would make Hannah realise she was being overdramatic.

"When? When you were five!? how do you get in these every day?"

Harry only shrugged. Some things were a mystery even for him.

"I feel like Sonny in that episode of the Tawni's Extreme Skinny Jeans."

Harry stopped laughing when he heard that comment and looked at Hannah with his mouth open. When the girl noticed what she had said, her cheeks matched her hair perfectly.

"Hannah... do you watch Sonny With A Chance" he asked.

Hannah looked everywhere, determined to avoid her boyfriend's glance. "Nooooooo," she replied, clearly lying.

"Oh don't you, Hannah. Don't you really?" She snapped to look at Harry when she realised what he had just done and three seconds later she burst out laughing.

"If I end up in the hospital like Sonny and Chad I'll sue you."

Harry laughed out loud, too. Without losing the smile he approached her and wrapped his arms around her body.

"Now, for real, how do you take them off? I can't feel my legs," she asked.

Chuckling, Harry pulled away and looked into those green eyes. "Okay, I'll teach you my ways."


Silly vignette, I hope you liked it.

Bel, xx

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