Sometimes - Niall

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~I'm re-posting the old one shots. Bear with me, please!!~

This one shot is parallel to Backfire, during chapter 13, "Harry's day".


Sometimes - Niall

She’s special, unique, so different from any other girl I’ve met. She makes me laugh, she makes me grin like a fool, she makes me wanna hold her in my arms forever, she makes me want to be better. She’s beautiful in her own way. When I look into those green eyes I swear is like I can see her soul, her heart that has been broken too many times for my liking. Every time I see her, I want to protect her, to push away all those bad memories and give her just good things to remember.

From the first moment I laid my eyes on her, I knew she was different and I just couldn’t let her walk away. But she’s not ready yet, she’s still hurt, she’s afraid and I can see it in her eyes. I’m not dumb.

I just want to protect her, I want to be her… well, her hero. I will never break her heart if she gives it to me, I will cherish it, always. I want her to be happy, that’s why it kills me when I see her suffering this way, when I see her this weak and I can’t do anything to help her. I hold her in my arms reassuring her that everything will be fine. She grabs me like that’s all what she needs in this moment and it feels good to be the one holding her, the one giving her the comfort she needs.

“Breathe deep,” I instruct her and she obeys, still holding to me.

I let myself get distracted by her body pressed so closely to mine. It feels wonderful, so right, so… perfect. The way her arms surround my waist, the way her face is buried in my chest, the way her warm embraces me; all that feels perfect.

I stroke her hair softly and I love to do that, I just love her hair. It’s soft yet untameable, it has its own personality and I love the way it falls framing her face, or the way it waves when the wind touches her.

“Niall,” she calls breaking through my thoughts. She looks up at me and I smile not because I want her to feel better, though that’s really important and I want her to feel like that, but because I can’t help it, every time I look her in the eyes I feel something warm in my chest spreading through my whole body and that makes me smile. “Thanks,” she whispers with a weak yet lovely smile. “I like to be here…” she mumbles so low that I’m not sure if I truly heard her right.

“My pleasure,” I reply because it is, to be with her, holding her like this, is my pleasure.

Sometimes the power of my own feelings for her overwhelms me. I care so much about her, I can’t stop thinking of her, she’s always in my mind and when she’s near by, everything feels and seems different. I don’t talk about this with the lads because I feel like all this is between she and I, and I’m not sure what it truly means yet. I’m not sure if it is because I feel protective over her or for another more serious reason. But I have this feeling that I’m falling for her, really falling yet I don’t know the real extent of my feelings.

Sometimes, it even scares me what I feel for her because if I’m indeed falling for her, how can I know she feels the same way? She has turned me down twice, why wouldn’t she do it a third time?

Sometimes, I want to believe that I just care about her as a friend, that I just feel protective over her. Sometimes I want to believe that I got over her, that I don’t see her like I did at the beginning just because I don’t want to see that expression in her eyes again when she says no, when she knows she’s hurting me. But a part of me knows that just a friend wouldn’t enjoy her company as I do, just a friend wouldn’t want her with him all the time, just a friend wouldn’t want to kiss her.

Oh, whom am I trying to fool? What I feel for her goes beyond a friendship. But I can’t do anything about it because she’s not ready, because she doesn’t want to be with anyone, because she doesn’t see me like that. She wants to be my friend and if that’s all what I can have, then I shall take it.

I kiss her forehead closing my eyes and hugging her tighter, wishing with all my heart her feelings were different, wishing she would like me back.

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