Air To Breathe - Hannah

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Hello! I said I was gonna write a one shot for Harrah as a way to thank you for voting for Music Sheet in the Watty Awards. If you haven't done it, please go to:

Then to the PopFic category, One Direction, Most Popular and then you'll find Music Sheet. Scroll down until you find the poll and vote for it (:

This one shot is inspired in the song that Em wrote, so the one shot is dedicated to her and you can hear the song, I put the link of the video on the multimedia.

Bel, xx


Air To Breath - Hannah

I walk towards the bed slowly and careful not to make any sudden noise. Harry is still sleeping and I don't want to wake him up like that. Still careful, I sit on the bed with my leg crossed and place the guitar on my lap as I keep watching him sleep.

We've come to his father's bungalow to spend some time alone and to celebrate our first year together. I'm really happy he managed to be here just in time. I know he had to bribe some people to make this happen, and I don't mean with money, but with favours or humiliating things. That's why I really, really appreciate that we're together here and now.

He is always doing nice things for me, even if he's across the ocean. I don't always know how he manages but he's so sweet and caring. He is always reminding me that he's with me although he's in another country. And I love him so much for always giving me reassurance of what we have.

I know I have changed and improved since I met him, but old habits are hard to break and sometimes I find myself doubting that I'm good to him, thinking that it'd be better to put distance. I get scared. But he manages to remind me that it's okay to be scared sometimes, that he's with me and we will never leave me.

I love him so much. He's probably the best thing that has happened to me.

Sometimes I wish I could do for him as much as he does for me. I wish I could constantly help him how he helps me. Sometimes I think I don't do enough, that I don't show him how much I love him, but I want to do more. I want him to never doubt how much I love him.

Harry is the best guy I've ever met, he's sweet and caring, and funny in a very dorky way. He is understanding and lovable. It's no surprise that he has million of other girls dying for him, but he chose me. I'm the luckiest girl on this planet.

When he's outside, walking on the street paparazzi snap pictures at him and he's all over the media, but when he's sleeping, with his hair all over his face and in every possible direction, with a small smile because he's having a nice dream as he hugs the pillow with the cover up to his ear, he's just my Harry.

I woke up earlier today just to finish this song that came to my mind last night when we fell asleep. I've written many songs about Harry, although I don't always show them to him or tell him about it, but this is different. This I want him to know it's for him and only him.

So I start strumming, hoping he'll wake up with the melody. I see him frowning and moaning a bit, but I don't stop, I keep playing the guitar until he opens one eye and looks at me, still frowning.

Not so very long agoI was alone
I was broken.
We met one day
I tried to push you away
Just like I did
with everybody else.

I start and he opens his other eye when he realises what I'm doing, so I keep singing.

But you pushed right back
and your green eyes
and your smile
fought their way into my thoughts.
And though in the beginning I kept trying to keep up my walls
Now you are my everything.

By this part he sits straight on the bed, his eyes locked on me. Not a single smile, just an expression of pure concentration. He's listening very carefully to every word I'm singing. And when the chorus comes I'm make sure to stare right back into his eyes because I want him to know I mean every single word.

'Cos I need you like air to breathe.
One, two, three that's you and me.
And I need you like the flower needs the rain to grow... oh uh
Oh my life is a song you are the words that need to be heard
'Cos without you I'm nothing
I'll just break again
I need you to the end.

Now I'm standing where were the other girls when you leave
just in faces behind.
And I know it's not forever you're gone for
But it feels much too long.
Thought we talk on the phone I still wish you were home
In my arms
So you can hold me.

At this part he can't help the smile because it's true. No matter how much we talk, I wish he could be home, with me. I understand and I support him, but that doesn't mean I could see him every day. That doesn't mean I miss him every minute he's gone.

And I make new friends
Day by day
Let them in.
Don't push them away.
I can be stronger
now that I have you.

But I need you like air to breathe.
One, two, three that's you and me.
And I need you like the flower needs the rain to grow... oh uh
Oh my life is a song you are the words that need to be heard
'Cos without you I'm nothing
I'll just break again
I need you to the end.

And I sing the chorus one more time, slower as he keeps smiling, his eyes showing me how all his emotions are making a mess of him.

Oh I still need you like air to breathe.
One, two, three that's you and me.
And I need you like the flower needs the rain to grow... oh uh
Oh my life is a song you are the words that need to be heard
'Cos without you I'm nothing
I'll just break again
I need you to the end.

I leave my hand fall one more time and then the melody to fade away around us, my eyes always locked with his, a small and shy smile coming to my lips. Now that I finished playing the song I feel really self-conscious about it.

Harry moves closer and takes the guitar in his hands to put it aside, then he grabs my hands and without uttering a word, he pulls me closer until I end up on his lap. Only then he grabs my face in his hands and puts our foreheads together. I close my eyes as my hands end up on his chest, caressing his skin.

"That was lovely, Hannah," he says softly and I take a deep breath.

"I wrote it for you," I confess and although I'm not seeing him, I know he's smiling. I just know it.

"Thank you," he whispers and my hands slide around his neck, and I brush my nose against his softly. "I loved it. I love you."

"I love you, Harry," I reply leaning closer until I finally kiss his lips. It's just a soft kiss, just my lips pressed against his as we hug tightly. "Happy anniversary."

"Happy anniversary," he chuckles. "For the first of many."

"Yes," I say because I believe him that he won't leave me. That no matter what happens, he'll be by my side even if I don't want him to. Even if we break up, he'll always be in my mind and in my heart as the boy who broke down my walls and pushed me to face my fears and fight them until I overcame them. Harry will always be by my side. "The first of many."

"And Hannah," he says and pulls back to look me in the eyes. "I also need you."

"And I'll always be here for you," I say kissing him again.

Maybe I can't do as much as he does, but I'll always be here for him, for whatever he needs, as much as he's going to be for me. That's what makes us so strong. That's what keeps us together. That and our love, of course. Because we love each other, that I will never doubt it.

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