New Look - Tammy

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Okay so I'm waiting and need to kill time. This is something short I thought of when I was walking. Hope you like it!

For the ones asking for a Kouis one shot... It's coming.

Bel, xx


New Look - Tammy

I like breaks. Don't get me wrong, I love being on tour. I love being on stage, shining under the spotlight. I love being in Prodigy and I wouldn't change it for anything. However, I still love having a day off just to myself and Anacleta.

Oh yeah, I got a pet with a peculiar name, just like her. Anacleta is a beautiful tarantula I got a few months ago. A puppy or cat wasn't for me, someone who's barely home. Plus, a tarantula has way more style, don't you think? And Skyler is terrified of them so I have a blast every time I take Anacleta with me on tour. It's the only way to get Sky screaming or showing emotion out of stage.

So I'm feeding Anacleta when I hear the bell ring.

"I'll be right back, Anacleta," I tell my lovely tarantula and blow her a kiss.

I'm not sure where I got her name from but I love it. I think Moni suggested it when I told her about getting a pet. God knows how much that girl loves weird names.

I go to open the door not sure what to expect. I wasn't waiting for anyone, and by anyone I mean Liam. He's the only one who comes to visit.

Yet he's the one at my door, grinning sheepishly with his hands shoved in his pockets, just waiting.

He was supposed to have a photoshoot today to promote a new single, not at my door. When I asked if he was going to have time he told me he was going to be busy the whole die.

What a liar.

"I escaped for a while. I just wanted to see you," he says reading the question in my mind and I chuckle.

"You could've texted so I would've been decent, you know?" I say folding my arms. I'm just in my underwear and a white tank top that doesn't cover much. It's like how I like to dress when I'm home alone.

"You look great," Liam says taking a step closer and putting his hands on y hips to pull me closer and give me a kiss. "As usual," he adds later when we break the kiss. "Are you gonna ask me to come in?"

I don't reply, I just step back and walk inside so he can follow me.

"I was feeding Anacleta," I tell him when I hear him close the door and then chuckle. He finds my tarantula's name so amusing. "By the way, what's up with the new look?" I ask turning around to watch him from head to toe.

Of course I noticed his new look as my favourite style is gone. The Mohawk is gone and I feel the pain in my heart. His hair is now perfectly styled in a quiff but slightly to the right, he's left more facial hair too. He's wearing jeans, a black tank top and a leather jacket with army boots. He looks like a younger version of David Beckam.

"Trying something new," he answers with a shrug.

"More like trying to look like David Beckam," I tease him arching one eyebrow.

"Oi!" he protests and I roll my eyes.

"No, pardon me, you are trying to look like Justin Timberlake. It's always been your dream to be in NSYNC*."

"Tammy," he say my name like a scold, furrowing his brow and folding his arms.

"Maybe you three can be siblings; you'd be the youngest," I carry on mocking him. He really looks like he copied Justin's image. "I don't like it. You looked better before, more like you."

I know he's pissed and that I got to his nerve by the way his nose crinkles and his eyes glare at me, but I don't react. I just fold my arms and look at him defiantly.

"Well I like this new style and I'm keeping it, whether you like it or not," he adds defending his point of view whilst I just keep looking at him. "What? Why are you grinning like that? What did I do now?" he exclaims looking worried and I can't hold it anymore, I burst out laughing.

I walk towards him and loop my arms around his neck, pressing my body against his. Liam still looks confused but places his hands on the small of my bak anyways.

"Im so proud of you," I say and he frowns even deeper. "Defending your decision, doing what you want."

It takes him around thirty seconds to realise what I just did and once he does, he snorts as hugs me tighter.

"Oh Tammy, again testing me?" he asks me and I smile proudly.

"I like when you do what you want and not what others want. I find that very sexy," I add in a whisper in his hear and I feel his hands pulling me even closer. "By the way. I do like the new style. You look sexy, like David Beckam but still sexy."

He chuckles and hugs me tightly, pulling me even higher, so high that my feet stop touching the ground.

"I'm my own person," he whispers in my ear, still holding me close.

"I know and I love that," I reply running my hands trough his hair, messing with the perfect hairstyle. "I love you, even if you wanna look like Justin Timberlake."

Liam laughs before he puts me down and grabs my face to kiss me before I keep mocking him. I don't complain, I quite like this. I like him.

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