New Book! + The True End!!

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Hey everyone! Sister76 here, ummmm in case you missed the announcement - I am rewriting this story.

You can find it now on my profile under the title "I Had To Die To Truly Live". Guess I'm kinda promoting it here, ha, sorry. It is quite different than this book but I do have a scene from the current rewrite that kinda tells the story of Kadin after the end of the "My House Mates Are From Hell" story.

I will put that part here as the true end to this entire book, if you wish to see the new story please head over to "I Had To Die To Truly Live" I know there's very few parts, but I promise I'm working on it and there is a lot more story to tell. Just, a different kind of story from this one.

As always I'd love to hear feedback so please leave comments, even if you think they are silly or unnecessary; live your life and leave comments. Unless you absolutely don't want to, then obviously you don't have to.

• Sexual Assault
• Abuse
• Grooming
• (May have missed something, I'm sorry!)


"Mommy! Parker took my toy. I was playing with it first and they just took it!" My six year old screams, causing me to lose my place in the book. Damn, it was just about to get good too. I set the book aside and turned my eyes on the child who resembles my first husband so much, I want to scream and cry, but I smile.

"Did Parker ask you nicely to play together?" Jayden shakes their head and I look to my three year old, "Parker, did you take your sibling's toy without asking?" The big blue eyes make me pause but I must push through, the mini me would not defeat me today!

"Parker, you need to ask Jayden if you can play with their toys. You can't just take things because you want them. If Jayden says no, then you can't have it. Jayden, make sure you share and try to settle it between yourselves before coming to me. You can tell Parker yes for five minutes and then retrieve the toy. Or try playing together. Is that something you two can do?"

They look from me then to each other before nodding, "yeah, we can do it!" They smile and I wrap them in my arms, my children are so precious to me, I'd do anything for them. As I let go, "okay go play now, I'll start dinner soon." "Okay!" they run off, heading back to their room.

When I was 17 I had a bad relationship with my parents, they kicked me out, and made me fend for myself. I was very lucky that my best friend at the time had a spare room, the downside was his brother, Derek, and his brother's friends. After Taylor went into the military Derek and his friends would bully me, making me clean up after them, cook for them, and everything else. The only thing they didn't do was sexually assault me.

Then Taylor died and I turned 18.

From that moment on my life was hell. Derek and his friends harassed and abused me for months. I was convinced what they were doing was love, they had groomed me so well I had no idea. The first year came to an end and Logan, one of Derek's friends, proposed to me. The scene itself was beautiful but I felt I couldn't say no, if I said no what would happen to me next?

I had no idea how to get out, even if I did leave where could I go? My parents kicked me out, my best and only friend was dead, and they made it so I was completely financially reliant on them. I was stuck.

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