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Today is my birthday and Taylor is supposed to be coming home. Derek, Ryan, Kyle and Logan have been ignoring me for the most part. I decided today I would bake my birthday cake and get ready to spend to day with Taylor.

I got out a bowl, a whisk, flour, eggs, sugar, milk, oil, water and baking soda then started mixing the ingredients for my cake. Once the batter was ready I got out a cake pan and poured the mix into it set the heat on the oven and set the timer. I was so happy I didn't notice Logan right behind me until I felt his hand slap my ass.

"Hey slut, what are you doing out of your room? Have you forgotten that no one here likes you?" he snarls.

"It doesn't matter, Taylor is coming home and this is his house, he loves me, if he wasn't gay he said he'd marry me because I am perfect." I turned and glared at Logan.

"You are perfect, for a cow." he smirks and turns walking out of the kitchen leaving me alone.

I took deep breaths counting back from 100 thinking to myself.

I'm not going to kill him, he's not worth going to jail over.

Once the cake was done I pulled it out and let it cool then frosted it with Taylors favorite color, orange, added yellow flowers then wrote "Happy Birthday Kadin" and "Welcome Home Taylor" it's a big cake. I smiled to myself and there was a knock on the door.

When I opened the door a man in a military uniform stood before me.

"Can I help you sir?" I asked as politely as I could.

"Ma'am I need to come inside. I have some news regarding Taylor Housing. We should talk inside." he said.

I nodded numbly and allowed him to come in before closing the door behind him.

"Derek, Logan, Ryan and Kyle please come downstairs, a man has come bearing news of Taylor." I called up the stairs.

As soon as the words left my mouth all four of them came tumbling down the stairs. I took a seat on the couch, Logan sat beside me, Derek stood behind me, Ryan sat in front of me and Kyle sat on my other side. I was boxed in the middle of the Horrid Four. The military man, Mr. Thorn looked at the five of us with what looked like remorse before he told us the worst news we could ever hear.

"Mr. Taylor Housing is deceased and his body will be shipped home as soon as we can find it..." he kept talking but I stopped listening, I couldn't hear anything and my body was numb.

After who knows how long, Derek let Mr. Thorn out then all four of them looked at me their mouths moved but I couldn't hear. Nothing made sense to me anymore.



Who's body?

It can't be Taylor, its a mistake.




My mind kept repeating the words but it would not sink in, I couldn't believe it. Then a sharp pain came from my cheek and it burned and stung. Kyle had slapped me.

"Kadin! We know you're in shock but you need to calm down, the amount of tears you have cried could fill an entire lake." Logan said as calmly as he could, he looked... worried? pained? something...

Derek picked me up bridal style and carried me to my room with the other three following closely.

"Looks Kadin, now that my brother is gone, I'm in charge and that means you will be nice and happy around the four of us, and you will serve as we have wanted you to since we found out you'd be living with us. Am I understood?" he set me in my bed starring down at me with dominance.

I nodded and layed back in my bed eyes wide and focused on them. The boys smiled, real honest smiles that made my heart melt.

"Good girl, we'll give you a week to pull yourself together then we will start your training. It will be hell but you will enjoy it."

At the time I thought they were crazy, later I discovered they were so right. My housemates from Hell became my masters from Heaven.

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