The End

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A/N: So it's time to say goodbye to Kadin, Derek, Logan, Ryan and Kyle. Probably not forever, just for now. Because they are finally getting along and there's no use fucking that up am I right? I'll probably write a sequel but for now I want to focus on "His Precious Doll" and "One Less Year" I want to thank you all for your commitment to my stories and (if you feel so inclined) I give you permission to write your own one shot of what you think should happen in the sequel. The best one shot will become the first chapter in the sequel so I urge you all to do your best. You have from today to new years to get your one shot done (I hope that's enough time) if you have any questions feel free to message me. Please vote and comment. I love you all, now without further delay, the ending to My Housemates are from Hell, I hope you enjoy.


I've been living with Logan, Derek, Ryan and Kyle for a full year now. It's gotten pretty comfortable around here without constantly fighting and bickering over stupid things. Logan and I are official, but the five of us still have group fun.

I had a pregnancy scare last month and have since been on the pill. Logan makes Ryan, Derek and Kyle use condoms if they plan on fucking my pussy, it doesn't happen often but when the four of them take turns using my pussy it's like a hockey game in my privates, they aren't gentle at all.

Logan would kill me if the other guys found out, but when we're home alone and horny, he takes care of me. He'd never admit it to the others but he really does care about me.

Three nights ago we were sleeping in my room and I had woken up to go to the bathroom when he pulled me closer in his sleep and with a scrunched up face he muttered "don't leave me, I need you." I'm not sure what it was all about but after that he nuzzled my hair and sighed "I love you" into it. Ever since then he's been really bashful, which is so unlike him it's freaky.

Tonight is our sixth month official date and he's been acting really weird. Everytime I ask him where he's taking me he changes the subject or runs to the bathroom, something fishy is going on, and I don't like it.

"Kadin! Let's go, or our reservations will be canceled." Logan calls up.

"I'm coming!" I yelled.

"Not yet you're not." He laughed quietly to himself.

I decended the stairs in my favorite red cocktail dress that Kyle, who turned out to be mostly gay and bi for me, picked out for me along with the black stilettos that Ryan, who was also gay and bi for me, had got me for Christmas last year. And yes Kyle and Ryan ARE a couple.

Logan was standing at the bottom of the stairs in his black tux, white shirt and red tie. The red tie had been a gift from me on our third date, also his birthday.

He smiled and looked around before saying, "You look beautiful."

I blushed and bit my lip as I stopped beside him, "You look great."

He tilted my head up with his index finger and pulled my lip from between my teeth with his thumb.

"Don't bite that pretty lip, you'll take all the fun out of it later when I do it." He smirked and pressed his lips to mine.

We kissed for a few moments before pulling back breathless, he still had the ability to steal my breath away, after everything.

We walked out the front door and got in his red Audi R8. He drove to the most expensive restaurant in town and pulled up in front of it. He got out then went to my side and opened my door for me, he took my hand and helped me out, then handed his keys to the valet. He grabbed the valet by the collar and pulled him close.

"If there is one scratch, ding or smudge on my car, your tip will be a hospital bill. Got it?" He growled.

The valet nodded with wide eyes.

"Good, here's $50, there'll be another 50, when I come back for my car." Logan fixed the valets jacket and put my hand on his inner arm, leading me inside.

Even when he's being sweet he's still a Horrid Four, which reminds me. Derek, Ryan, Kyle and Logan are all on a hockey team, they play professionally and make a killing. They're rich! And very well known as "The Horrid Four"

We went to the host and Logan told him the name we were under then the host rushed us to the best seats in the restaurant.

"How did you manage to do all this?" I asked, amazed.

He smiled, a real, heartstopping, smile, "I have my ways." He winked.

The waiter brought us champagne, without checking our ID's then asked what we'd like to eat.

Logan ordered for us, the Chef Special, then the waiter left with the menus.

"This is beautiful Logan." I smiled.

"Really? I find it dull in comparison to you." He took my hand and looked into my eyes.

"Oh Logan, you say the sweetest things." My face flushed and I looked away.

He turned my head back to face him, "Don't you dare hide that beautiful face from me." His hand stroked my cheek.

The waiter returned with our dinner and we started eating.

"This is the best steak with broccoli and potatoes I have ever had! The streak is melting in my mouth, and the broccoli is cooked to perfection." I moaned softly as I ate.

"Hey now, those noises are for me to cause." He smiled watching me eat, making me blush once again.

After we had finished our meal the waiter returned with a dessert menu.

"Dessert for the lovely couple?" He smiled and Logan looked through the menu.

"Yes, we'll have two creme brulee, please." Logan smiled mischievously at the waiter and the waiter nodded, acknowledging he understood.

I was so confused as the waiter left I looked at Logan with my eyebrow raised.

"What was that all about." I asked.

"Nothing, don't worry." He smiled.

I shrugged and sipped my champagne. Logan smiled and watched my with a look that said he was hiding something, and I wanting to know what, right now. Damn him.

The waiter returned with our desserts and set them in front of us.

"Enjoy." He smiled and left.

As we were eating I bit into something hard and pulled it out of my mouth, I cleaned it off and recognized it as a golden ring with a very decently sized Dimond surrounded by small rubies. When I looked up Logan was on one knee looking up at me with a smile and three violinists were playing our favorite song as he spoke.

"Kadin, I know we haven't always gotten along, but these last six months have been the best six months of my life. I can't imagine being without you, I want to spend the rest of my life with you by my side. What I'm asking is, Kadin, will you marry me?"

By the end of his speech I was in tears, I sniffled and smiled.

"Yes, Logan, of course I'll marry you!"

He slid the ring on my finger and I threw my arms around his shoulders, burying my face in his neck.

"I love you Kadin."

"I love you Logan."

The End

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