Day In

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Logan pins me to the shower wall harder and starts grinding into me hard as he takes his shirt off.

"Your body is a huge turn on." he growls next to my ear.

"Thanks for the compliment, dick face." I frown up at him.

"You're welcome, slut." he holds my hands above my head in one of his hands.

"What are you doing." I ask shock in my voice.

"Fixing the problem." he mutters and un does his pants then pushes them down with his boxers only using his free hand.

He picks up his belt and uses it on my wrists, putting my hands behind my back to bind them.

"You're not going anywhere, not until I'm done." he growls deep in the back of his throat a smirk on his lips.

"Stop screwing around and untie me so I can dry off." I roll my eyes annoyed with his actions.

"Stop talking or I'll gag you." he threatens before leaning forward and kissing my lips.

He deepens the kiss and forces his tongue into my mouth. His tongue plays with my own, drawing circles and spirals as he pushes harder into me I can feel his hard on. Knowing I caused this makes me smile, he takes it as an invitation and starts massaging my breasts. I moan and tilt my head back, I have never been touched like this. Logan smirks at my response and tweaks my nipple.

"Logan! Stop teasing me." I pout as he laughs.

"No, I'm going to enjoy this, every moment you will be begging for more." he gets to his knees and opens my legs wide, "Mmm what a pretty pussy you have, so tight and wet for my hard, thick cock huh?" he chuckles.

"Logan... What are you pl... Ah!" I gasp cutting my word short as he presses his soft, plump lips to my clit.

He flicks his tongue out against my clit teasingly. I moan loudly and curl my toes.

"Logan!" I cry out his name in pleasure.

He hums causing vibrations to travel through me starting on my clit. I cry out as I feel myself cream. Logan's mouth is so pleasurable, I don't want him to stop but I know I can't hold back much longer.

"Please Logan, no more teasing." I whimper.

"Cum for me Kadin, I want to taste your sweet cum." he growls, and I lose my hold, I cum hard and I feel his tongue licking it up his lips around my pussy as he sucks.

It feels so good, he sucks harder and slips a finger inside me prolonging my orgasm. Once I stop shaking he pulls his lips away keeping his finger buried deep inside my pussy.

"Good girl, now I want you on your knees sucking my thick cock." he says as he stands and forces me to my knees, "Be a good girl and I'll fuck you till you cum again and again." he presses his cock against my lips as my mouth opens to take him in.

I swirl my tongue around the head and start to take him in my mouth one inch at a time, 1 inch...2 inch...3 inch...4 inch... by the 5th inch my mouth is full, he's thick and long. I get the 7th inch to the back of my throat gagging I'm unable to take the 8th and final inch he's so thick I'm worried my teeth are hurting him but he says nothing of the sort he's too busy moaning. He has my hair in his hands holding tight as he fights against the need to thrust.

"Good, now I'm going to start thrusting be good and take it." he moans louder as he starts thrusting in and out of my mouth, slowly at first then he starts picking up his pace, "Yeah, just like that, mmm I'm going to cum swallow all of it." his hips start jerking wildly before slowing down ans ropes of thick warm cum fill my mouth.

He tastes like fruit, not salty or gross, he's sweet and I knew he was planning this from just the taste. He pulls out of my mouth and I swallow his cum before he pulls me up.

"You were planning this?" I ask flabbergasted.

"We've all been eating fruit, you're ours Kadin, and by the end of the day you'll know exactly what we mean when we say we are the only ones that can have you." he narrows his eyes and pushes me into the shower wall, "Now for your reward, a nice hard fucking that will cause you to cum again and again and again." he smirks as he slams into me, ripping me in two.

"Ah! Logan!" I scream.

He starts thrusting as soon as he's inside of me, grunting and moaning as he thrusts, each thrust is harder than the last and before I know it I'm moaning his name begging his not to stop.

"You like feeling this cock inside you don't you, you little slut? I'm looking forward to fucking you every day for the rest of our lives Kadin, and each fuck will be more brutal and will involve more kinks, you will never have vanilla sex with any of us." he smirks and pounds into me.

I cry out and moan louder than ever before. He bites my neck and sucks, leaving a hicky no doubt. I feel his cock rub my g-spot and I go over the edge again, he prolongs my orgasm once again by rubbing my clit. Once I stop shaking he starts pounding harder and harder and puts me back on the edge.

"What the hell Logan!" Kyle stands in the door way with Derek and Ryan, "We all agreed that her first time with us was supposed to involve all of us."

"Sorry guys, its hard to resist taking her when she's putting up a fight, it was just a bigger turn on." he growls looking slightly ashamed.

"Get her out of the shower dry her and bring her to the big room, if we're doing this, we're doing this right." Derek says and walks away.

"Nice Logan, she any good?" Ryan asks with a wink.

"She's amazing, tastes good too." Logan smirks.

"Nice, I cant wait." Ryan walks out leaving Kyle alone in the door way.

"Hurry up man, I want her bound on the bed and open for fun within the next ten minutes." Kyle smirks, licks his lips and follows after Derek and Ryan.

"Looks like our one-on-one time is over, now I have to share you." Logan smirks and rinses me off before picking me up and getting out.

He dries my off, holding me up since my legs feel like jelly.

"Ready for more?" he picks me up and carries me to the room Derek said to go to, I have never seen it before but its big and has a big bed.

"Alright Kadin, lets have fun."

Let's just say, we didn't make it out of the house that day...

What do you think? Too much or not enough? I sincerely hope you enjoyed it. Thank you for reading and being patient with me. if you can read this please comment ^-^

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