My Masters From Heaven

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This is part two of My House Mates Are From Hell. In this part Kadin and the Horrid Four develop new feelings and a new relationship. I hope you enjoy! please give me feedback, I'll give you a cookie ^-^


Today is the last day of my grieving process. I don't know what will happen come tomorrow but for some reason I just don't care. I lay in my bed hopeless and depressed until Logan came in.

"Alright, enough moping about Kadin get up and get a shower you're coming out with us." Logan crosses his big buff arms.

"I don't want to go out and watch the four of you flirt and fuck around so just go away." I grumble and turn my back to him.

"Don't make me pick you up Kadin, I will bathe you myself if I have to." he threatens me.

"Just go away!" I yell at him.

"You asked for it." he walks to me and picks me up.

"Don't touch me!" I scream.

He throws me over his shoulder so my face is in his perfect ass. He then carries me to the bathroom and starts the shower.

"Damn it Logan! Let me go!" I was screaming louder at him angrily.

"Nope, not gonna happy sweetness." he starts stripping me as the water warms.

He gets me naked and steps into the shower with himself fully clothed.

"Logan stop it!" I yell as he sets me down.

He picks up my shampoo and wets my hair completely before lathering up my hair and washing it of all the grease and grime. He rinses my hair thoroughly then uses the conditioner to soften my hair, he grabs my loofa and body wash then scrub my body clean. Finally he rinses my body and washes the conditioner out of my hair.

"Now that you're clean, I'd like to get you dirty again, so I will and you will be a good girl and accept it, if you don't you will be punished." he smiles and lightly runs his rough hands over my soft skin.

"You're such a dick." I roll my eyes.

"Be quiet and relax, you'll have more fun that way." he smiles and presses his lips to mine, pressing my back into the shower wall.

My House Mates Are From Hell (BDSM)Where stories live. Discover now