Forgetting The Night

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After class Taylor followed me home in his pick up truck, we put my stuff in the bed of the truck and in the trunk of my car. Taylor told me he lives with his brother Derek, and Dereks friends, Kyle, Logan and Ryan. Taylor says they're cool but for some unknown reason I have a bad feeling about moving in with them. About 25 minutes later we were unloading my stuff from the truck and my car to take it up stairs and put it in my new room. Derek, Kyle, Ryan and Logan were still out, but I didn't really care, the less I see them the better. Unpacking took a few hours but once I was done I had Taylor giving my the puply eyes.

"Kadin, will you please cook for me?" he pleaded.

Rolling my eyes I agreed and went into the kitchen, it was full of fresh food, but I knew Taylor couldn't cook to save his life. Skiling to myself I took out corn tortillas, green chillies, green enchilada sauce and chicken. It was Taylors favorite food when I cooked. Green Chilli Chicken Enchiladas (A/N I made this once for thanksgiving). I poured oil in a frying pan and fried the tortillas, then cooked the chicken cut it up and put it in a huge pot with the green chillies and enchilada sauce. I took out a glass pan and put six fried tortillas on the bottom covered it with the enchilada mix then added the white and yellow mix cheese before repeating the process. Finally I put it in the oven at 350º F and waited. While it was melting the cheese Derek, Ryan, Kyle and Logan walked through the door complaining about being hungry.

"Taylor, bro I'm starving! Can we go out to eat?" Derek asked his brother pleadingly.

"Kadin is cooking her famous Green Chilli Chicken Enchiladas. So we are staying in to eat." Taylor replied as he walked into the kitchen.

"Its done!" I say smiling as I pull it out.

Derek, Ryan, Kyle, Logan and Taylor all sit at the table. I grab six plates, forks and knives then sit at the only open seat, between Logan and Derek. I quickly serve the food and every one starts eating quickly. I slowly start to eat and Logan watches me.

"I know you, we went to high school together, you graduated early because you're like really smart." he nods and narrows his eyes at me, "Too perfect to graduate with your peers?"

"I'm sorry I was blessed with a decent brain, but at least I have a brain." I snap at him.

The guys laugh and mutter "You just got burnt!"


After dinner Taylor got out the vodka and the tequila along with some shot glasses.

"Lets play, Never have I ever!" he says cheerfully.

Everyone agrees and we begin a crazy game at the end of a crazy day, I guess it makes sense. We get in a circle and Taylor starts.

"Never have I ever kissed a member of the opposite sex on the lips." he grins.

Derek, Ryan, Kyle and Logan take the shot. While Taylor and I just laugh at them. Next Logan goes.

"Never have I ever kissed a member of the same sex on the lips." he smirks.

Taylor is the only one to take the shot. Kyle goes next.

"Never have I ever been heartbroken." he watches me as I take the shot.

"Never have I ever failed a class." Ryan says quickly before taking his shot followed by everyone. Even me.

"Never have I ever had sex." Derek takes his shot follwed by everone except me.

They all stare at me with wide eyes.

"You're a virgin in everything?" they all burst into fits of laughter.

"Shut up its not funny!" I scowl, "Never have I ever skinny dipped." the guys took the shot and sadly enough, so did I.

The game went on for a while, they got me to drink a lot and everything was fuzzy. I decided that I had enough and went to bed, sadly enough I didn't go alone, and what makes it worse is that it wasn't my sweet gay friend. No it was one of the others though I couldn't really remember who. I do remember he got in bed wiyh only boxers on but I didn't really care, I was too tired to pay much attention. Until the next morning.

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