Moving Out and Moving In

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"Kadin! Get your ass down these stairs and eat with your family!" My father called up the stairs to me.

Sighing I once again looked in the mirror, my black hair with aqua and purple streaks fell straight to my hips, my gray eyes with flects of green and gold- surrounded by heavy black eye liner, my lips a bright red, my flawless white face, my nose small and button like. My eyes lowered to my outfit of the day, a Blood On The Dance Floor t-shirt, black skinny jeans and my combat boots. Nodding in approval of myself I went downstairs. When my mother saw me she groaned and looked to my father.

"Why couldn't we have had a normal daughter? Then we wouldn't have to do what we're about to do." she glared at me as I sat next to my little brother.

"Hey Alex, how'd you sleep?" I smiled softly and he shrugged.

"It was fine, Daniel had his girlfriend over and they were making sandwiches but they kept getting mayo on my bed." he scrunches up his nose.

Mom looks appalled and sits in her chair gapping like a fish. Mouth open, mouth closed. I look at Daniel and his cheeks were so red I thought he was a tomato. Daniel and Alex share a room, Daniel is 15 and Alex is 10. They are very close and almost never fight, Alex looks up to Daniel as a role model its cute and sweet. I chuckled.

"Daniel! What were you doing with Hallie last night!" mom snapped at him.

That was my que to leave. I grabbed my bag and left the house going to my car, while I was pulling out my mom yelled out to me.

"When you get back your stuff will be on the lawn and you are leaving for good, you ungrateful little shit!" she cursed at me.

Upon arrival at my beautiful college I ran into my best friend Taylor, he was studying two majors, psychology and medicine technology. He was brilliant, he was also a marine nut and after college he's decided to go into the military. Once he has finished his service he will return and become a psychologist for those who need him. He is a very sweet and caring man, but he wants to serve his country before he begins his real passion. He looks up and smiles at me.

"Kadin! Hey girl how you doin?" he smiles and loops his arm with mine.

"I'm fine you crazy fucker. How are you." I can't help but laugh.

"Guuuuuuuuud." he kisses my cheek.

Taylor is gay, but he doesn't act it, and most of the time he tries to deny it but he can't and he just laughs at it like a joke. His parents aren't very supportive of his sexuality, all the same he's an amazing guy.

"Hey Kadin, how's your major going?" he pokes my cheek.

Laughing I reply, "Well considering its English its great!"

He rolls his eyes and pokes my other cheek, "I'm serious girlie. All last year you wouldn't shut up about becoming an English teacher, is class what you expected or better, maybe worse?"

Shrugging I answer him honestly, "Its not what I expected, and it looks as though my parents are kicking me out. Soon I'll have to quit college and get a job." I frown at the thought.

Taylor frowns but then smiles evilly.

"Kadin, go home and get your shit, you're moving in with me!" he picks me up in a bear hug.

About 3 feet away stood Taylors brother, Derek, with a wicked smile.

Oh shit I just moved in with the Devils spawn.

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