Not Fine

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Its been a month since Taylor left and tomorrow is the day he's getting sent into the field. He'll be fighting for our country and our freedom. Next week is my 18th birthday and I have no friends to celebrate with. Even the Horrid Fours evil skank Tonya won't celebrate with me. Today was horrid, Kyle got me drunk, Ryan smacked my ass so hard it bruised, Derek got me high and Logan destroyed my homework for my creative writing class. I was fed up with them all... I can't take it anymore, one more thing and I'll explode!

"Kadin! Get out here and clean the mess Tonya made!" Logan shouted.

Derek, Ryan and Kyle stood around laughing as I, Kadin, walked in and started cleaning up the vomit their bimbo, Tonya, had thrown up. Logan just watched like he was thinking for something really evil to do, like shove my face into the vomit... And that's what happened Logan pushed me down face first into the vomit, it was still warm and my lips were parted. If my stomach wasn't already empty I would have emptied it then and there. Logan, Ryan, Kyle and Derek laughed so hard tears were falling from their eyes and it was a silent laugh. I had tears in my eyes too, but not from crying, my tears were from pain and humiliation, a girl can only take so much before she goes insane, and I had reached my limit 3 weeks ago. I stood and ran to my room locking the door behind me, I was glad I had my own bathroom, I did not want to leave this room until I had to.

Three days passed and I stayed in my room, I only left it when the horrid four were gone, and I knew when they were gone too. I ate once a day, took my college classes online and slept a lot. I showered a lot to because the water felt good and I always felt disgusting. It was four days to my birthday, I would be 18, an official adult. Little did i know my birthday was about to become the worst day ever.

Author's Note:



Love or hate?

HELP ME OUT PLEASE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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