Saying Goodbye

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I had been living with the "Horrid Four" and Taylor for two months now. Of course I was lucky, until today. Today Taylor is joining the army which means I'll be alone. In the house. With the Horrid Four. Fuck. My. Life.

Right now all six of us are standing in the airport saying our goodbyes. Last night was terrible.


I was hanging out in the living room all alone when the front door opens and guess who came in? If you guessed The Doctor, you're way off, if you guessed Taylor Lautner, you're still off but a little closer, if you guessed the Horrid Four, you are absolutely right and you get to take them with you! No I'm serious come collect your prize now before they go roll in mud.

"Kadin! make ys something to eat we're hungry after practice!" Ryan whined.

Did I mention that they all play sports? No, oh well they do Ryan is a swimmer. Logan is a soccer player. Derek is a football player. Kyle is a lacrosse player. Of course they all play a sport together, and I will be nice and give you a hint: its very violent, its also how they got the nickname the Horrid Four. They all love to play hockey and they kick ass.

Since Taylor was at work I had no protection from them, so of course I had to do as told. Hell if four extremely hot, tall, buff, tattoo covered and rock hard guys, known for beating people up, came in and told you they were hungry you'd do whatever they wanted; especially when they can bench press you plus four other girls each. Yeah they demonstrated.

"Kadin! Make us something good and not too fatty." Derek commanded while glaring at me.

"Yeah Kadin, if its too fatty we'll start looking like your mom." Kyle sneered.

"Or worse we'll look like her." Logan smirked.

They all burst into laughter as I went into the kitchen with tears filling my eyes. They are so cruel and only treat me decently while Taylor is around. I start pulling out ingredients for my high calorie low fat chicken and rice. Since they did a lot of work they burned off tons of calories so they need to eat it back, they are athletes after all. So you're probably wondering why I'm so nice and why I care even though they hurt me. Well they weren't always this way. In fact, I knew Logan when we were in kindergarten, he was this really shy kid, he didn't have any friends and he didn't seem to mind. so on the third day I went up to him and we started talking, we became good friends, That changed in middle school when he became friends with Ryan and Kyle. They were a grade ahead of us but Logan hit it off with them on the first day. That is when I lost my best friend and protector.

"Kadin hurry up!" Kyle snapped.

I had just finished putting the six plates on the table when Taylor got home. We all sat down and began eating. No one complained so it must have been good for them all.

"I'm leaving for boot camp tomorrow, and I'm not sure when or if I'll be back." Taylor shocked us all with his news.

No one said anything else fir the remainder of the meal.

After dinner I did the dishes then went to Taylor's room.

"Taylor, do you have to go?" I asked sadly.

"You know I do." he smiled softly.

"I'm begging you Tay, don't leave me with your brother." I pleaded.

"I have to do this Kad, you know I have to." he wrapped his arms around me, "you'll be fine." he soothed.


Oh if only you know how wrong you were Taylor, then you never would have left.

(A/N: not edited, any mistakes tell me and I will fix it. Hope you like this chapter. A little feedback is appreciated! Thanks for reading)

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