Chapter 5: The Gathering

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After asking around as to where Talion was, a few people thought he had gone further into the cave. This worried me, so I went to Solomon and had him join me in the search for my husband.

After discussing my concern, both Solomon and Todd stand up to follow me. We head towards the archway and see Talion, George and Mig enter with a bunch of food. Placing the pizzas and wine on the table, everyone sits down to consume what my amazing husband must have had delivered.

Walking over to me, Talion puts his arms around me and says, "Were you about to hunt me down?"

"Yes, I just asked where you had disappeared to and a few people said you had gone further into the cave," I reply.

He explains, "Oh, there is an elevator down there that leads up to the shop so that we can haul the wine down here to be stored. Mig figured everyone must be hungry, so he made a call to have some pizza delivered. Did you know there is a lot of snow out there and the temperature is down to -20 degrees? It's so cold the delivery guy was having problems with his jeep."

I reply, "No, I had no idea. Hey, did you know Bob is here?"

Talion asks, "Bob Miller? Lori's ex-husband is here? Why would she ask Bob to come?"

Standing at the head of the table, Agent Solomon says to our group, "Can we all take a seat, please?"

He then adds, "We don't know how much time is left before Samael returns and we must have a plan of action."

Bishop Joe stands and says, "He could come as any form now, and we need to be very aware of our surroundings. Samael is no longer trapped within Cece or Talion and we need to be vigilant."

Corwin adds, "Make sure your talismans are ready for this fight. Cecelia, you need to eat and be strong for his return as well. I also brought my family's sword and I pray my brothers did as well."

Bob stands and replies, "Yes, I have mine in the car. I'll go get it."

"Robert, it's good to see that you made it, my friend," Corwin says as Bob nods and then gets up to leave.

Corwin did not seem surprised that Bob is here. Did those two start up their own coven? That would make sense, I suppose. Looking around, I don't see Eisha or Lawrence and I wonder where they have gone too.

This is right up their ally, or so I've been told.

Leaning over to Kelly, I ask, "Where are the Star's? I thought they lived for this shit."

"Honestly, I do not know. They left right after you did, three days ago. Solomon asked them to look into something, but I'm not sure what. My God, I'm freezing in here." She answers.

Looking at her I exclaim loudly, "We've been in here for 3 days!"

Everyone hears my outburst and turns to look at me.

Quickly I ask, "How long was I trapped inside my mind? It must have been days, and I had no idea. No wonder I'm starving."

Talion adds, "Seriously, I thought we had only been in this cave for a few hours."

The bishop says, "When he takes you over, there is no way for you to tell when it happens and you lose time. While we all see hours and days, you two feel it's only been a few minutes. I want you both to take these amulets as a precaution. If this entity takes you over, it will not be able to withstand the power it wields."

Taking the talisman from the bishop, we both thank him and I feel much safer knowing this will help in our effort.

I saw the way the entity acted, and it did not seem pleased that Corwin had one on. This will give me some peace of mind, I hope.

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