Chapter 14: Vows

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As my eyes open to a brand-new day, our bedroom is filled with bright golden sunlight. Its warm glow makes me smile, and I remember that today is our wedding day. Feeling the covers all bunched up, my hand glides across to the other side and he is gone. I'm alone once again, and this saddens me. Sitting straight up, I look around and Talion is not in our bed. Glancing over at the clock, it's 9 a.m. and I overslept. Rubbing the sleep from my eyes, I notice something white and shimmery in front of the glass doors.

No, it couldn't be...

Tossing my legs over the side of our bed, I hop up and run over to it.

How can this be? How did he do this for me? This is my dress, my beautiful wedding dress from over a decade ago. The last time I saw it, the dry cleaners preserved the dress for me and placed it in that big blue box. How did my husband find this priceless heirloom that I thought was gone forever?

Looking at it closely, I touch the fabric, the pearl and lace inlays, knowing that this is the same dress.

How did he find it? I put the box in our attic. Talion must have taken my dress, but when? Walking around it, I'm in awe that he was able to give this gift to me.

Getting in the shower, I have a smile from ear to ear as the water flows down my body. Standing here in this giant waterfall, I feel so completely happy for the first time in so long. He did this for me, knowing that one day we would finally be here, at this exact moment, together. Washing my hair, the bubbles run down to my toes and I realize that I have some self-maintenance to do before I put on that gorgeous dress.

Looking around, I peek out and grab a razor from the drawer. As my foot slips, I catch myself this time, by holding onto the rock ledge.

Nope, I'm not going down that road again.

Bringing in this little pink plastic razor, to my warm watery haven, I shave my legs and trim up other places that have become completely unruly.

In my mind, I'm filled with joy, because this is it. The day has finally come. I'm about to marry the man of my dreams and erase the nightmare that has been following me into the here and now.

Stepping out of the bathroom and into our glorious bedroom, it's still here, my perfect dress, but will it still fit?

Looking at the 3 pink boxes that appeared on my dresser, which go up in size, I wonder what treasures he found for me. Inside the largest one is a beautiful lace bustier set, with garter belts and silky stockings. All of which is pure white, perfect and so sexy. In the second are white glittery shoes that, after checking, are the perfect size for me. In the third and last box, I find a set of diamond encrusted pearl earrings and necklace, that are completely spectacular for today's event. Seeing all of this, I feel like a princess or actually at my age a queen...

Just as I finish getting everything on, there is a light knock on our bedroom door. With a smile, I know who is there, because she is always here for me.

"Come in," I say and then turn to see my sweet sister.

Kelly and then Lori step into our room and the two are completely awestruck. Neither one says a word for just a moment in time, and I feel like the belle of the ball.

"My God, you're stunning, Cece. I mean it, you look gorgeous!" Kelly says with the biggest smile.

Lori adds, "Wow, you look amazing! Absolutely perfect!"

"I have a feeling this is my dress, and he took it from our attic before we lost the house. Can you believe it? I thought it was gone forever. That Ella would not have the chance to wear it, once it's time for her special day, but he saved it for me." I say as the tears fall.

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