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I opened my eyes to a big estate. It looked like a great home in this neighborhood. I looked down and realized I was holding a dark blue bag. A suitcase stood next to me.

Let me give you some context.
My name is George. Yes, I do have a last name but I don't like sharing it. I'm a teenager from the United Kingdom. My family moved to Los Angeles. We bought a house. That's the home I'm looking at right now.

I'm sorry, I get distracted easily.
My name is George and I'm a 19-year-old student. I always find introducing myself hard. I have dark brown hair and brownish eyes.

We have been traveling a lot recently, but knowing we would end up in Los Angeles? I would never think of that.

I turned around to my parents. They stood behind me, looking around. I'm an only child, and I like it. No fights with siblings and no arguments.

I fished my phone out of my pocket, checking the time. The jetlag is gonna be a big struggle. While my parents unlocked the door of our new home, I stood there on the grass.

Suddenly, I saw a blonde boy leaving his house. He would be our neighbor. The boy was shirtless, wearing black shorts and slippers. His blonde hair flipped around on his head. Am I staring?

Oh but that boy, I couldn't get my eyes off of him. The blonde sat down on a chair in the sun. He let his feet rest on an empty box. That guy is gonna be the end of me.

"Get going George, keep your eyes" I told myself, stepping forward. They always told me love on the first sight wasn't real.

Just stop thinking about it and get going. He isn't that interesting. Oh but he's pretty.
I slapped myself on my cheek, trying to distract myself from that wonderful creature in my eyesight.

"Walk" I commanded.

He is so pretty. Like, damn. He just stole my heart.

"George are you coming?"

My mother stood in the door opening of our new home. She yelled at me. I quickly nodded, grabbing my suitcase and taking it with me. I entered our new house, looking around.


So I've been here for a while now. I have my own room with a window. I'll tell you how lucky I am. Because I can see my neighbors house, the one with the pretty blonde from my window. I have a sigh to another window, probably HIS room. Isn't that cool? I can see his room from my window.

Someone knocked on my door.

"George? Want to go and meet the neighbors? I think they're pretty nice"

My mom stood in the door opening. Wanna know how my mom looks? Oh she's a wonderful woman. With blonde, shoulder length hair and bright blue eyes. Blessed with a beautiful figure and skinny hands. I have those fat baby hands. Showing bones isn't an option for me.


"Yes, sorry, can we meet the neighbors next door?" I pointed to my window. I really want to meet that blonde guy and stare at him again. I can't wait to see him.

"Sure!" My mother nodded at me. I stood up from an old chair and left my room behind. It was filled with boxes, but it felt like my room already.

I fixed my brown hair in the camera of my phone. I wanted to look good for our first meeting. I changed into jeans and a sweatshirt and tried to get my hair to look good.

I knocked on the door, standing in front of my parents. I felt my hands shaking slightly. I was nervous to meet a pretty boy. What's wrong with me? When I tell you I gasped when that exact blonde guy opened the door. That blonde guy I saw earlier today, stood there INFRONT OF ME.

My heart started beating faster.

"Hi" I mumbled.
He was staring at me. Staring at my brown eyes. I looked down at his feet. I couldn't help it but my eyes instantly got distracted. I slowly made my way upwards, passing his stomach and stopping at his soft lips. If I could kiss those lips right now, all my problems would be solved.

Those lips..
I noticed he had green eyes. Green eyes I could easily drown in. His blonde hair was hanging in front of his face, hiding a small part of it. I can't handle this. It's too much. If only he could be mine. If he could be owned by me, my own piece of beautiful. I like difficult words.

If he could be belonging to me, it would mean the world to me.

I should stop staring right? But it's so hard to keep my eyes together around him. If only- I should stop making words based on that beautiful figure.

"Come in!" the blonde smiled.


There we sat, in his room. My parents downstairs and him and me, alone in a room. I don't even know his name.

"Okay, I know this is very awkward. So.. Can you introduce yourself?" he asked.

Here we go again..

"My name is George and I'm a 19 year old student. I like difficult words, making art and sometimes I play games. I also like painting, reading and long walks. I can speak German, English and a bit Polish. I like to be outside"

He was staring at my hands, again. How I could just pick that guy up and crush him against the wall, grab his lips and kiss him until he's poisoned with my love. I could do it, but every single person around me would be very mad. BUT HIS LIPS LOOK SO SOFT AND KISSABLE.

His hair is just asking for attention. I don't even know his name but I think I already fell in love. A million inappropriate thoughts just rushed through my mind.

Why is this happening to me?
God didn't tell me I would be gay?
Okay that's a joke.
It's not a joke but take it as a joke.

I sighed, admiring his wall instead of making him feel awkward.

"So, you can call me Dream. I've been on this stupid earth for 21 years now. I dropped out of school a year ago because it made me feel depressed. I like playing Minecraft with friends, listening to music and to be outside. They say I'm the crazy kid because I like to wear crop tops" he giggled.

I couldn't help it but his giggle melts my heart. AND HE LIKES CROP TOPS. If only he could be mine..
I should stop fantasizing about this guy belonging to me.

Dream stood up, making his way to his window. I sat on his bed. Dream's room looked neat. I noticed his grey painted walls and the decorations, hanging out on his shelves. He had a closet, filled with black and white clothes.

"I don't really know what to do" Dream smiled.

Every single time he smiles, my heart starts making loops. Everytime he stares in my eyes..

I think I just fell in love.

"Want to go for a walk around the neighborhood? I can show you some cool places" he asked.

I nodded, standing up from the bed. We walked towards the door of his room. The blonde suddenly stopped, turned around and leaned against the wooden entrance. He was facing me.

"But you have to promise me something"
"And that is?" I nervously brought out.
"To hold my hand while we walk"

If I could, I would scream and kiss his lips. Instead, I chuckled and grabbed his hand. I knew he was that touchy and flirty type of friend. Although, I don't mind it. He's a great guy.

Chapter 1 is out! I hope you like it :)
This fanfiction will have short chapters. So you won't have to worry about time.

Remember you're loved! <3

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