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I woke up at 8 in the morning. I accidentally left my window opened last night so my room was pretty cold. I stretched, turned and took a deep breath. I could hear the birds chirping outside.

I grabbed my phone from my nightstand, opening it to a message from Dream.

Today, May 7th

7.46 AM
Dream: "Goodmorning Georgie, my mom gave me some old dresses and skirts so I had an idea. We could do a 'modeshow' ?
I think it'll be fun. Let me know pretty boy :)

8.13 AM
George: "Sure, I'll be by your door around 9"

A bright smile grew on my face. God, I love that boy. A mode show? I could never get that idea.

I stood up from my bed and made it look nice. Of course I didn't change into pj's last night.
I made my way to my beautiful window. I saw a body in Dream's room, making me question everything. I could look into his space from my window.

Back to, the man in the window?
Was it naked?
It was shirtless. That's all I know.
The man was walking around, holding clothes and folding them.

Until, I saw something I didn't want to see.
It was Dreams face. And he was naked.

I quickly squatted onto the floor, bending my legs in some weird position, hitting my head on the hard floor.

"Fuck" I whispered, closing my eyes.

Don't tell me I saw him naked already.

I pushed my knees in a normal position before the cramps started getting to me and crawled up. I couldn't see him, but I could reach my curtains, instantly closing them.

"Oh my gosh"

I placed my hand on my chest, trying to calm myself down. This was a mistake and I should move on. Without telling him about this.

But I saw his thing? Whatever you call it.
His? You know what I mean. I'm not repeating it.
Alright, time to move on and forget about this.

I should stop overthinking it. How is he that confident?

I tried to distract myself by removing my socks, revealing that one scar that has been haunting me every single day. I slowly touched the place with horrible memories, attempting to keep my mind together.

I just couldn't move on. And I have no idea why.

I started tickling myself around my foot.
It took me a minute but I quickly realized tickling yourself isn't a thing. You can't tickle yourself. I'm so dumb.

I heard my mom yell for breakfast. Thank God, something to distract me from what I just saw.

I quickly put my socks on, changed into fresh clothes, and left my room to get food. I decided not to talk about it, to anyone. Not even my mother or Dream himself. No one allowed.

Almost 45 minutes later I knocked on Dream's door. I had a bag filled with different types of snacks hanging on my shoulder.
The blonde boy opened and let me in.

"Hey George!" Dreams mother greeted me.
"Hello Miss" I smiled.
"Dream cleaned his room for you"
"Mom please" Dream interrupted her.

"Fine, go upstairs, do whatever teenagers do" She giggled.
I almost wanted to yell 'fall in love with your son' but I'm very glad I didn't. I would regret it for the next centuries.

I sat down on Dreams bed, putting my bag down. His room looked clean. I noticed he could see my window from here. That means I did see him this morning. It was him, but naked.
A lot of curse words just rushed through my mind.

Insouciant // Dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now