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I woke up exhausted. It felt like I just ran a whole state. I stretched, turned and took a deep breath, staring at the ceiling. I wonder what Dream is doing on this early morning.

I reached my hand to my nightstand, grabbing my phone. I texted Dream to see how he's doing.

8.23 AM
"Goodmorning, how are you feeling?"

8.24 AM
"Good, open your curtains"

He's gonna trick me.

8.24 AM
"I'm in bed"

8.25 AM
"I don't care, get up and open your curtains"

Seconds later the blonde called me.
I normally picked up the phone, unaware of what is happening.

"George just open your curtains"

"Why are you making me do this?" I giggled.

I heard chains and necklaces make noises from the phone. What is happening?

I stood up from my warm bed, holding the fabric of my grey curtains.

"Do it" Dream commanded.

I slowly slid them opened, instantly looking at Dream's window. I could see him in it, holding his phone close to his mouth with his left hand. I could see his stomach. He was wearing black boxers. The waistband was lowered and showing a bit of body hair.

He had chains hanging on his neck and his hips. The blonde was shirtless. His abs were showing perfectly. My eyes kept staring at the waistband. I'm such a simp for that boy.

"YOU'RE STARING, I CAN SEE IT" Dream laughed. I could see his sharp jawline showing through the window.
"No I wasn't"
The butterflies told me differently.

Dream's right hand slowly went down his stomach, passed his abs and stopped by the waistband of his boxers. The blonde cautiously pushed the material down, revealing more of his body.

I instantly close my curtains, breathing heavily. For some reason I was out of breath.

"I knew it" Dreams voice filled the quiet room.
"It's alright George" he added. He was laughing. I knew it.
"Why are you doing this Dream"
"Because I wanted to surprise you at 8.30 in the morning"

"I could do the same if I wanted to" I teased.
"Why did you 'hmm' at me baby"
"Just because"
"You horny Dream? Whore" I teased on the phone.
"You're such a simp"

"I know I'm pretty, you don't have to tell me that again"

"Get over here"

The blonde hung up the phone after his last words. What is he gonna do?
I closed my window curtains, changing into sweats and an oversized hoodie. I ran downstairs, sliding my phone into the pocket of my sweatpants.

"Alright what do you want" I settled on his bed.
Dream sat on the chair by his desk. He was wearing a dark blue shirt now.
"To chill with my boyfriend. Wanna play games?"
"Sure, how did the talk with your mother go yesterday?"

"Fine I guess"
I saw him hiding his face.
"Are you sure?" I asked again.
"Yeah, she's alright with it. Just don't worry"
I nodded comfortingly. It'll be fine right?

Moments later we sat downstairs with both of our parents. My mother started a conversation about taxes with Dream's dad.
Dream's mother placed tasty snacks on the kitchen table. There was a plate filled with different types of cookies and fruit. Small carrots laid on the side next to the watermelon bits.

Insouciant // Dreamnotfound Where stories live. Discover now