2 | Dreams

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As people say, life is ironic. It gives you the most unexpected scenarios that you can't possibly imagine, whether it was a gift or a curse, it was up to you to decide.

"Yuki! Quit standing there and get your ass over here!" Chifuyu called, snapping me out of my trance.

It's been a week since my encounter with Toman's President, Mikey and fortunately I'm still in one piece. Baji never stopped teasing me from that day on and I never told Chifuyu because I know he'll just laugh at me.

What a bunch of good friends I have.

I heaved a sigh as I walked towards where Chifuyu was standing, forcing the thoughts of Mikey hunting me down out of my head. Well, Baji did reassure me that Mikey wouldn't do that but hey, who knows right?

Call me a coward and everything but there's no way I can stand up to a bunch of guys!

"Are you on the right headspace Yuki? You've been so out of it since last week," I snapped out of my thoughts when Chifuyu spoke. "You're even uglier right now."

What the hell!

Before I could even speak profanities, he was ran away from me, sticking out his tongue like a child. I have 99 problems and one of those is how I even have him as a friend.

"Chifuyu get back here! Or else I'm telling everyone who your little crush is!"

That was enough to make him stop his movements and hurriedly run back to where I was. "You know you're really pretty Yuki! You look like a sunflower....on a rainy day."

"At least my hair doesn't look like that. Are you in an emo phase or something?"

This boy really keeps getting in my nerves. But I need to stick with him in order to protect myself from that Dorayaki-stealing bastard.

Should I just tell Chifuyu? I mean he'd tease me but at least he'll protect me at the very least.

When lunchtime came around, we headed to our usual place at the rooftop. I was sprawled across the floor, contemplating really hard whether to make a stupid decision of telling him or not.

"Hey Chifu," I spoke softly. He glanced over me and continued to munch away on his sandwich. "What is it?"

I sighed, well here goes nothing I guess, "I may have...gotten into a fight with your leader," I said, instantly regretting my decision when I saw that he wasn't listening at all. Remind me why I'm friends with him again.

"You brat! Listen to people when they speak!" I hit him really hard in the head and grabbed his ear towards my mouth.

"I said I got into a fight with your leader!" I screamed into his ear, making sure that he heard that loud and clear. He started choking on his food, his eyes widened as my words started to sink in. "You fought with who?"

"Mikey," I grumbled under my breath.

"Are you fucking crazy Yuki?! I know you didn't like gangs, but picking a fight with Toman's President?" He started panicking, pacing back and forth in front of me, in an attempt to find a solution.

"Hey he started it first!" I protested, "I didn't even know who he was!" Damn this is getting frustrating now. Why the hell is he more worked up than me? I'm supposed to be the one panicking and not him! I'm the victim here!

"How are you still even alive right now?" He glared at me and walked towards where I was lying and forcefully yanked my body upwards. Oh you want to play this game huh?

I immediately grabbed the closest solid material near me, holding onto it for dear life. I'm not losing to you Chifuyu! Our little game of tag lasted for a few minutes until he finally got tired and let go of my arms.

𝐀𝐧𝐝 𝐓𝐡𝐚𝐭'𝐬 𝐎𝐤𝐚𝐲 | 𝐓𝐨𝐤𝐲𝐨 𝐑𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐬 Where stories live. Discover now