The Fire

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Hey guys I just wanna say thanks for the support and sorry for not posting. Personal stuff but i think this was requested so thanks

I was walking home with jasper and Horace after the concert. "You know I really dont like this Cruella" Jasper said.
"I think we just need to give her a second change, she cant be that bad right?" I asked.
I was trying to not think about the bad things that's this could turn into.
  We continued to walk home in silence, not the good kind the awkward, the one that makes you feel uncomfortable. As we walked I was just trying to not think about cruella, she was my girlfriend but the things she has done hurt to think about. I listened to my feet hit the pavement as I walked with Jasper and Horace not playing attention to anything. We made a turn into the alley that leads to the house. My mind was fogged with thoughts of what she could be doing, what is she going to do, could she forget about me, does she even love me anymore. I was broken from my thoughts when I felt someone grab me and cover my mouth with a cloth. My eyes felt heavy. All I heard was ringing. Everything when black.

  I woke up feeling dizzy, my wrists where tied behind me, my ankles tied to the legs of the chair I was placed on  . I couldn't talk cause my mouth was covered, I looked around seeing people all around me, I knew Jasper and Horace where there cause I could hear their breathing. Someone lifted me head, their hand on my chin lifting it up. The Baroness. "Aw look here cruella's little angel. Oh man is this gonna hurt you. You know she probably doesn't even care about you. If only you knew what's coming". She followed by a laugh.
   I felt hot tears fall down my face. Why the hell was I crying. "Oh no shes crying, poor sweet little innocent baby" she let go of my chin and my head fell. What does she have planned. I couldn't think at all I just started at the floor listening to the footsteps trying to calm myself down.
I could hear the elevator, humming was soon followed, then the elevator opening. Evil laughter. It's her, cruella. "Long live the king" she said. She then immediately fell silent. All eyes turned to her. Tears still falling down my face. "What is this" she asked.

   The baroness explained that she was going to kill her and me, horace and jasper where going to go to jail for it, that cruella was going to be burnt to a crisp.
     We were taken away forced to watch as the place burnt, we were soon taken away by the cops. But in jail till we had to go to court.

    A while had passed Horace was rambling about nonsense  Jasper pitching in. I had nothing to say. My girlfriend had just died. "You don't actually thinks shes dead do you" horace asked
  "How could she not be" I said my voice shakey
  "Its cruella I'm not sure but she couldn't have died"
  I sighed, not being in the mood to argue. I mean who would be. "Hey guy do you hear that" jasper asked
  "I heard something" horace said.
I looked around "Horace" I said pointing to a tiny dog with keys
"Wink" Horace yelled grabbing the keys letting us go " your alive" he said.
  We got in cop uniforms and left. Walking to what was left of out home, if their was anything left. We heard honking from behind us. I turned around "you guys need a ride" the person in the truck said. The person, it was cruella. She was alive.
  "We're good" jasper said, I looked at horace not knowing what to do. I blanked and wasn't paying attention to the conversation except for when  I heard what cruella said. "The baroness, shes my birth mom" with no hesitation we all got in and when to some place that I had never seen to talk. I sat next to cruella Horace across from me and Jasper next to horace. Horace eating the biscuits non stop. John walked in asking if we needed anything "your gonna need more biscuits" horace said.
  "We need a plan" cruella said
  "One last time" jasper said giving in.
"Then its settled" I said
I cant wait to see what happens next. It almost seems as if my life is a book and your just waiting for the next chapter. But you just cant read it. But for now I'll just have to wait and see what happens.

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