Chapter 6

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Bambam, Lia and I are on the couch watching zootopia while I keep my eyes in Bam's beautiful features seeing her smile every time this damn fox come on the television looking so much like Zyana with her dilated brown eyes on the screen, I focus on my phone texting the group chat Jaws made with Keely that other lame ass nigga.

"Daddy I'm hungry and mama said if I don't get dinner she will stick her foot up your tail when she sees you" I quickly snap my head towards her shocked.

"Well your mom needs to chill kid cause if she wanted you fed so bad she would be here to do it herself" Lia rolls her eyes and I pop her mouth.

"Watch how yo ass talk to my baby" I mug her and she smacks her teeth.

"Yea lady" I look over at bambam and she has the same mug on her face.

She so fucking perfect.

"Go make something.. you like spaghetti princess?" She nods and Lia groans getting up to make some spaghetti.

I hear bambam mumble something under her breath before turning her attention towards the television until my phone rung saying Zyana🫀would like to FaceTime.. so of course I answer.

"Hey I just wanted to check up on Bam before I head to bed" she looks like she's walking around the house turning off the lights.

"Ite b-"

"MAMA!!" Bam jumped on my lap and took the phone putting her big ass forehead in the camera.

"Dayummm get yo forehead out the screen sheesh" she smacks her lips and I hear zyana try holding in her laugh.

"Meanie" Bambam pouted looking up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Aww baby don't listen to him cause that's why his head built like a peanut" they both start laughing while I roll my eyes feeling a little hurt.

I don't got a peanut head bruh.

"Well baby mommy is going to sleep but did you eat and get ready for your eye drops" I turn my lip to the side (😗) scratching my head.

"No mama but I'm having spaghetti soon since Ms.Lady is making it right now" I look at the screen and Z nods.

"Okay well I'll be there to pick you up later now give the phone to Simon. Love you baby" she smiled through the phone.

"I love you too mama" bam kissed the phone and gave it to me.

"Feed my baby in the next 15 minutes before I stuff my fist down your throat Simon Johnson and I ain't playing" I mug the phone and look at her crazy.

She getting out of line.

"Zyana bruh we gonna eat-"

"Give my daughter the first plate cause she hasn't ate since 2... negro it's 8pm so feed my baby" I sigh and nod.

Don't need to argue over this shit. She right tho.

"Good" she hung up and Lia comes in the living room with a plate of spaghetti handing it to me before grabbing her own and sitting down.

"Where is mine?" Bam stands up with her cute princess pajamas on.

"Make yo self a bowl" Lia mugs and gets on her phone.

"Bitch" bam mumbles loud enough for us to hear as I hold in my laugh.

She definitely my damn seed.

"Lil girl what ya mouth before you get spanked and I ain't scared to whoop yo ass" Lia shouted as bam walked it the kitchen.

"Chill bro" I got up and watched to the kitchen with bam having a strong ass stank face.

"Mamas stop and fix yo face" she bucks at me and I grab her jaw lightly.

"Fix it" i say through gritted teeth and she smacks her teeth before fixing her face.

"That was disrespectful when you said that to Ms.Lia so apologize after you are done eating because yo rude ass is going to bed early" she stomps her foot and I sigh.

"No! She's a meanie daddy! I don't want to apologize!" She shouts and I pop her in her mouth.

"Sit down." She walks to a small chair and sits down with her head down.

I feel bad but I gotta put her in her place cause she not gonna be around me thinking she can talk to me any type of way. I slide the bowl of spaghetti towards her and she looks at it before looking down once again.

"Eat bam" she sighs and picks up her fork wrapping the spaghetti around the fork.

"I'm not apologizing" she mumbles with spaghetti still in her mouth.

"Yea you are Bam now finish up" I sit across from her and wait until she was done eating.

She looks up at me pouting with doggy eyes but that shit ain't gonna work.

Zyana be trying that shit.

"Go" she groans and I put her bowl with the fork inside into the sink.

I lean on the kitchen entrance and she slowly walks to the living room getting in front of Lia with her head down.

"I'm sorry..."

I smile before she grins looking up at Lia.

Shit the demon child has my blood.

"That you are sensitive and can't take insults when you deserve it" she sticks her middle finger up and runs.

"Bam come here now!" I chase after her and finally snatch her by her shirt.

"Daddy! I'm sorry!" She cries while I drag her up the stairs into the guess room.

"What did I tell you bambi!" I shout and she cries harder.

"No tv and I'm telling your mom so get your ass in that bed and sleep!" She hiccups and gets in the bed.

"Sleep and I don't want to hear a sound" I shout and close the door.

Damn maybe I was harsh on ha lil ass.

I saw the lights and television off downstairs so I went in the room to see Lia naked on the bed licking her lips.


"I missed you daddy" she moans while she fingered herself.

"Come play with me" she bit her lip while rubbing on her tits.

A nigga need some pussy.

I slide out my sweat pants and take my boxers off before crawling on the bed getting in between her legs. I don't eat pussy. I line myself into her entrance looking at her tits while she continues rubbing on them.

"You ready?" She nods and I slam into her.


SiNnYbOo my ass I had to shut that bitch up with my hand.

A nigga got some pussy. That's all that matters.

OUR BAMBI |unedited|Where stories live. Discover now