Chapter 24

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"AHHHH!!" She runs towards them and hugs them tightly in a big ass group hug.

"Hey lil ma" Wiz smiled and she laughed looking at him before turning her head towards Mike.

"Hey...." He sounded a bit timid and she walks towards him with her arms out.

"Hi Mike" she engulfed him in a big ass hug with her legs around his waist.

Too fucking personal.

"Ite chill" I pull them away and they both chuckle.

"So it's fuck Q huh? Bet" he shakes his head walking away with a bowl of cereal.

"Come here my youngest baby" Z coo'd and he mugged her as she hugged him.

"If you want me just say dat Z" he smirked but dropped it once he looked at me.

"Stay in yo fucking spot lil nigga" I glare until Z slaps my bruised chest and I wince.

They all look at us and then look at each other before looking back at us one last time.

"Fuck happened?" Wiz mugged me.

"She came to mah house and shot Lia so I shot yo homie Gunna then we both aimed at each other before fighting and shit..." I smile.

"Y'know the usual" Z shrugs.

They looks at us with a stuck expression and Q starts laughing like a damn maniac.

"Tell me why I thought of that one song" he chuckles and looks over at Z making her laugh.

"What s-"

"Fuck yo homie dead! Fuck yo homie dead! Fuck yo homie dead" they start singing and doing a little dance wit it.

"Y'all not funny" Wiz mugs and sits on the couch.

"Hater" Q mumbles sitting on the couch with him.

Z kept smiling looking at all of them before her smile started to fade as she was deep in her head probably thinking about how the fuck we gonna get Bambam and Kaylen back.

"You good?" I rub her back and she lets out a breath.

"Just missing Jazz and Kayla" she smiles at me and I scratch my neck.


"I regret that shit bruh..." she nods and I kiss her cheek.

"Might make you feel better to know I ain't shoot Kayla... Toni did and Mike shot Jazz" I smile and she gasps before laughing.

"Nigga why would that make me feel better?" I shrug and she shakes her head turning towards the guys.

"Shit I regret killing Jazz" Mike sighs looking at his rings on his fingers.

"She probably forgives yo ass since she was dumb as fuck cause best believe my ass wouldn't held a grudge" Q shakes his head and wiz slaps his head.

"How?" She looked up at me and I rubbing my thumb on her bottom lip.

"Good behavior and Keely hacked into their sentence files making them come out today" i flick my invisible collar making her chuckle.

"Where the kids at?" Mike looks around and we both drop our smiles and look at all of them.

"They were kidnapped" Z's voice cracked and I rub on her arms.

We sit downs me explain to them Z's plan along with what happened between Tamika and Steven about their plan from the beginning, Toni molesting Bambam and we told them how we found out Z was originally going to be forced to marry Gavyn while Tamika marries his dad but she was having an affair with my dad so they made their own contract connecting Z and I together just so the contract this Gavyn's family couldn't be put into action giving Tamika and my dad freedom to date without any troubles because I'm assuming they didn't want to get married so they made their kids get married.

"Yo mama alive?" Mike asked stuck as hell.

"Apparently" Z lets out a breath sitting on my lap.

"Damn... so you telling me all that bullying was for nun bruh?! She did yo ass dirty" Q shakes his head and we look at him stupid as hell.

"Thats some fuck shit Jazz would say" Z laughs and everyone agrees.

"So what now?" Wiz lays back.

"We all get strapped up to go visit Toni since she's suppose to be meeting up with Tamika and Steven but we also think Gavyn's dad is going to be there" I explain.

"For what tho?" Mike twists his nappy ass hair.

"They think we are divorced and Toni must've given them that information, Gavyn's dad already knows because Gavyn was giving him monthly updates" Z adds in.

"Gavyn's dad is attacking our parents, it's easy to see he knows their moves and knows what we know about Toni meeting them.." she lays her back against my chest carefully,

"He's going to be there before us with the kids for sex trafficking because he's in the business so we are guessing Toni is also in dat shit" I stroke her curly hair feeling her rest against me.

"What's the plan bruh?" They all ask getting serious.

"Keely gonna give us the technology we need and ear pieces that he made personally which are water proof just in case, Mike and I gonna distracted them and while Wiz and Q finds Bambam and Kaylen to put them in the car with Z" They nod but Z starts mugging me.

"He's gonna want to see me Sy" she argues.

"Well too bad" I shrug.

"I'm coming with you" she shrugged.

"No yo ass gonna stay in the van while Mike and I take Toni out along with our bitch ass parents" she smacks her teeth and gets off my lap.

I don't care she ain't getting out the fucking van no matter how she acts so she better fix dat shit before I hurt her ass.

"Let her do sum bruh" Wiz tries to negotiate.

"No bruh she staying in the fucking van, it's getting late so get the fuck out" they groan and Q waves at them.

"Nigga you too" I snatch the bowl of cereal from him and he smacks his teeth getting up.

"Fucking hate yo ravioli guacamole head ass so much" he bucks at me and leaves with the rest of them niggas.

I close the door and walk into the kitchen seeing my Bambi sipping on a water bottle.

"Why can't I just help?!" She snaps and I groan.

"Cause you not, end of discussion" I play with my chin hair.

"Come on Simon please don't be fucking sexist right now! I can help and I want to see my mother" she cries getting closer to me.

"I just want to know why! Please Simon I'm begging you let me go" she sniffles and I shake my head.

"I don't need you to get hurt mamas" she pouts and continues crying.

"B-but what if you get hurt" she whispers and I chuckle.

"Mamas I ain't gonna get hurt bruh stop talking like that" I pull her in and rub on her booty.

"I ain't gonna leave ma girls alone" I kiss her head.

"It's 10pm and we leave tomorrow night so let's go to sleep ite?" She nods and we go up the stairs walking into her room.

The lights are already off and we get under the covers before she lays directly on top of me kissing all over my face, she lays her head on my chest running her hands on my side while my arms are wrapped around her body.

"I love you papa" she mumbles falling into a deep sleep.

"I love you too mamas" I kiss her head and let the night take over.

Wish we could stay like this forever.

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