Chapter 7

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"What the fuck did I say Zyana!" I flinch at his tone.

"But you hit me hard and then-" I try to explain.

"What the fuck did I say!" He shouts getting closer to me while I back away from him.

"You said... you said if you see any tears you will drag me out the class" I wipe my face still feeling pain on my arm.

"So why the fuck are you crying?" my back hit the wall and he was in front of me just watching me cry.

He grabbed my jaw roughly and made me look up at his face while tears fall out my eyes more just looking at his scary angry face.

"I said why the fuck are you crying Bambi?" He stays through gritted teeth.

"I'm sorry" I whimper still feeling emotional.

"You wanna fucking cry so imma give yo ass sum to cry about" he grabs me by the back of my neck and slams me on the teachers desk feeling my tits slam on the desk.

"Please just give me a minute and I'll stop crying plea-" he slaps my ass hard and holds my hands behind my back.

"Shut the fuck up!" He slides my shorts and they hit my ankles while he starts rubbing my ass.

"Fuck!" I shoot up from my bed looking around frantically.

I put my hand on my chest feeling my chest trying to calm myself down before feeling something wet under the covers so I look in my pants and I'm wet from that nasty ass dream.

Down bad Z.

"Auntie Zy!!!" Kaylen ran in the room with his shirt stuck on his head.

"Ohh baby kay what are you doing" I giggle before getting up to help him.

"I wanted to be a big boy cause I am duhh auntie I'm 9" he rolls his eyes and waves me off like I'm stupid.

This kid.

I go in my closet and pull out a pair of grey sweat pants with a white crop top that match my white slides, I set down some underwear and a bra on the bed before throwing the close on my bed really to go in the shower. Once I'm done with my shower I brush my teeth before rinsing my mouth out feeling cleaner, I get dressed and go downstairs to see Chanel and Kaylen eating waffles.

"Morning baby. Morning Chanel" I kiss his head and notice he is properly dressed.

"Morning! Look at Kaylen! He got up all by himself and picked out his outfit" Chanel smiles and I clap seeing Kaylen blush a little.

He's so cute.

"I'm going to pick up Bambam before we go over to visit uncle Wizz" I grab my Keys and Kaylen runs after me.

"Can I go!? Please??" He hops up and down.

"Yea you can come just put on your shoes" he nods and runs to get his shoes.

"If my diva is hurt imma kill em like Sin did to Bruno" she laughed with a knife in her hand.

She always makes jokes about Bruno's death since she never liked him but I can't lie sometimes it's funny so I try not to laugh cause I know Bruno is going to bite my ass if I laugh.

"Stop talking about my baby in heaven" I roll my eyes seeing her laugh harder.

"That dog was da devil!" She fell on the ground laughing.

She's annoying.

"Come on Kaylen cause Chanel is annoying auntie Zy" he runs down the steps before jumping in my arms.

"I'll be back in a minute" she wipes her tears of laughter and nods.

I close the door and I open the door for Kaylen helping him into the back seat before jogging to my side of the car.

"Aye ma!" I turn and see Gavyn.

"Hey gavy-"

"Damn! Work with the feds girl chill" we both start laughing and he gives me a hug.

"Where you been at ma? Never be hanging wit a nigga no more" i shift on my feet.

He fine as hell. Making me kind of nervous.

"You know I've been busy with the kids so I haven't been doing much" he nods and he licks his lips.

"Imma fuck witchu" he hugs me and I hug him back before getting in the car.

Gunna and I been talking for a minute but it's nothing serious but honestly he helped me defend myself when it came to aiming a gun or fighting also he helped find Kaylen for me and helped with my pregnancy with Bambam when I was pregnant with her during my college sessions so I appreciate him a lot.

"Gavyn gonna hangout with us today?" Kaylen smiles and I shake my head.

"Not today baby" I pull out the drive way and start driving towards Lia house.

These 2 hours ain't no joke.

I get out the car and grab Kaylen out the back seat putting him down to grab his hand as I knock on the door hearing door steps coming towards the door.

"Ye- oh..." Lia mugged looking up and down.

This bitch needs to chill.

"I came just to pick up Bambam" I smile and she looks down at Kaylen scoffing.

"Two kids? Is Bambi even Sin's?" She chuckles.

"Lia I don't got time for this shit but when I make time for yo busted ass I'll make sure to not waste it" I get in her face smirking.

"MAMA!!!" My baby ran down the steps crying and my heart dropped.

I push Lia out the way and grabbing bambam as she puts her face in my neck crying.

"Simon." I look at him and he smacks his teeth.

"Tell her what you did princess"

"I-I used naughty word at M- ms. Lia b-because she didn't make m-me a plate" she cried and I look at Lia.

"Okay baby calm down" I kiss her head and rub her back.

"Crybaby as kid" Lia mumbles as I look over her seeing a see through rob wrapped about her body.

"Shut up! That's why you was sounding like you was crying talking about F-f-fuckkkk sinnyboo imma come baby- oh shit!!!" I cover her mouth and Simon looked shocked while Lia's face turned red embarrassed.

Shit is about to go down.

OUR BAMBI |unedited|Where stories live. Discover now